QuakeAlert 2.4 [free]


Features: - voice alert for mag >6 (for event in Italy voice alter for mag >3.5) - the tsunami alert area (alert only related to the last event) - the last event showed inside two lines - the location on google map - Detail button - popoup list showing the previous events - select an event from the list and access to the detail page - slider for setting the refresh time - current date/time (running clock) - Exit button Data are gathered from two possible source: ALOMAX and INGV as backup in case ALOMAX is out of order Please Note: the app's functioning depends on availability of the source of the data


Free Download ダウンロードする二次元コード
  • ソフトウェアの名称: QuakeAlert
  • ソフトウェアカテゴリ: 天気
  • APK名: appinventor.ai_xodead.QuakeAlert1_0
  • 最新バージョン: 2.4
  • サポートROM: 1.6 以上
  • ファイルサイズ : 1.5 MB
  • 更新した: 2022-09-26