Belajar Ilmu Tajwid 1.5 [free]


APPLICATIONS Learning Tajweed
Contains knowledge that studies how to read the Qur'an properly and correctly.
Tajwid literally means doing something beautiful and beautiful or good and nice, tajwid comes from the word jawwada In the science of Qiraah,
Tajweed means removing letters from their place by giving them the properties they have.
So Tajweed Law is a science that studies how to sound or pronounce the letters contained in the holy book of the Qur'an or not.
The problems raised in this science are makharijul letters (places for entering and leaving letters), shifatul letters (how to pronounce letters),
ahkamul letters (relationships between Arabic letters), ahkamul maddi wal qasr (long and short pronunciation), ahkamul waqaf wal ibtida' (starting and stopping reading), and
al-Khat al-Otsmani.
The law for learning tajwid is fardu kifayah but practicing tajwid when reading the Qur'an is
fardu ain or obligatory for men and women who are converts or adults.
The explanation above and its correlation with the application of the Tajweed Law are
The Tajwid Legal Application for the Al-Qur'an is an application for reading the Al-Qur'an so that you can read it properly and correctly,
an application is made to facilitate learning and understanding so that it can be read and carried everywhere.
The following is a menu that is presented in the discussion material on the Law of Tajwid Al-Quran;
+ Explanation of each chapter of the Law :
1. ikhfa haqiqi
2. Obligatory Izhar (Mutlaq)
3. izhar halqi
4. iqlab
5. idghom bladeunnah
6. idhgom bihunnah (maal ghunnah)
7. Differences in the law of idghom bighunnah
8. Mad Tamkin, usually harfi mukhaffaf, mad iwad, mad badal,
mutsaqqal (muthawwal), mad lin, arid lisukun, obliged muttasil, jaiz munfasil, thobi'i (original)
9. Qiraat
10. Izhar Syafawi
11. idghom mitsalin (idghom mimi)
12. Ikhfa Syafawi
13. Tasyidid law and original tasyidid
14. Ghunnah musyahaddah
15. idhgom mutamatshilin and mutajanisain
16. Makhorijul letters
17. alif lam jalalah, alif lam syamsyiyah, alif lam qomariyah and alif lam ta'rif (ma'rifah)
The features in the Tajweed Law application are as follows;
+. This application is OFFLINE based, you can run it without an internet connection
+. Free.


Free Download ダウンロードする二次元コード
  • ソフトウェアの名称: Belajar Ilmu Tajwid
  • ソフトウェアカテゴリ: 書籍&文献
  • APK名: com.alqurantajwid.ilmu.tajwid
  • 最新バージョン: 1.5
  • サポートROM: 5.1 以上
  • ファイルサイズ : 31.11 MB
  • 更新した: 2023-08-13