Fiqih shalat dengan pembahasan yang terperinci pada masing-masing bahasannya. Dari Tata Cara Sholat, Hukum Sholat,Hikmah Sholat, dan Keutamaan Sholat.
Daftar Isi nya :
2.Hukum Menambah Doa Qunut
3.Solusi Ketika Merasa Keluar Hadats
4.Tata Cara Mengerjakan Sujud Sahwi
5.Cara Sholat Wanita Yang Haidnya Terputus-putus
6.Hukum Shalat Dengan Memakai Sandal
7.Hukum Meninggalkan Shalat Jum'at
8.Hukum Mengqodho' Sholat Tarawih
9.Hukum Shalat Memakai Sarung Tangan
10.Hukum Makmum Yang Ketinggalan Membaca Fatihah
11.Hukum Bermakmum Pada Wanita Istihadhoh
12.Mengqoshor Sholat?
13.Jarak Diperbolehkannya Qoshor Sholat
14.mengeluarkan darah istihadhoh sebelum sholat
15.Bacaan Makmum Ketika I'tidal
16.Antara Sholat Dhuha Sendirian Dan Berjamaah
17.Tata Cara Mengganti Imam
18.Hukum Penambahan Takbir
19.Status Ibadah Orang Yang Memasukkan Obat
20.Sesudah duduk atau bangun dari sujud
21.Hukum Mendirikan Dua Sholat Jama'ah
22.Ketika Adzan berkumandang
23.Batasan Tertawa Yang Membatalkan Sholat
24.Hukum Shalat Dengan Membawa Selang Kencing
25.Tata Cara Sholat Didalam Kendaraan
26.Hukum Sholat Jenazah
27.Hukum sholat sambil bersandar
28.Hukum Mengikuti Gerakan Imam
29.Meragukan Masuknya Waktu Sholat
30.Sholat Witir Hanya Satu Rakaat
31.Hukum bermakmum Pada Imam Yang Fasiq
32.Hukum Shalat Saat Hadir Di Masjid
33.Bagian Tubuh Mana Yang Didahulukan Saat Sujud
34.Bolehkah Orang Yang Mukim Bermakmum Pada
35.Hukum Membatalkan Sholat
36.Bermakmum dengan Imam Yang Tidak Fasih Bacaannya
37.Hukum Shalat Di Atas Kapal Laut / Perahu
38.Hukum sholat diatas kasur
39.Hukum sholat jenazah
40.Hukum Sholat didalam pesawat terbang
41.Rasulullah menjadi makmum ketika shalat ?
42.Berdo’a atau berdzikir dalam sholat
43.Hukum adzan kedua pada shalat jum’at
44.Hukum shalat dalam satu masjid bertingkat
45.Hukum shalat jum’at 2 gelombang
jika ada kritik dan saran silahkan kirimkan ke email kami di : [email protected]
Fiqh prayer with detailed discussion in each discussion. From the Procedures for Prayers, the Law of Prayer, the Wisdom of Prayers, and the Virtue of
1. Preamble
2. Law Adding Prayer to Qunut
3. Solution When Feeling Out Hadats
4. How to do Sujud Sahwi
5. How to Pray for Men with Menstrual Disorder
6. Laws of Prayer Using Sandals
7. Law Leaves Friday Prayers
8. Law of Mengqodho 'Tarawih Prayer
9. Legal Prayers Using Gloves
10. Common Laws That Left behind to Read Fatihah
11. The Law of Prosperity in Women Is Beautiful
12. Horror Prayers?
13. Distance allowed Qoshor prayer
14. Take out istihadhoh blood before praying
15. Reading Meanings When I'tidal
16. Between Dhuha Prayers Alone and Congregation
17. How to Change Imam
18. Takbir Addition Law
19. Worship Status of People Who Enter Medicine
20.After sitting or waking up from prostration
21. The Law Establishes Two Congregational Prayers
22.When Adzan reverberated
23. Limits of Laughter That Cancel Prayers
24. Law of Prayer by Bringing the Urine Hose
25. How to Pray in the Vehicle
26. Laws of Prison Prayer
27. Law of prayer while leaning
28. Law Following the Movement of the Imam
29. Doubt the Entry of Prayer Times
30. Sholat Witir Only One Rakaat
31. The law is blessed with the Imam who is the Fasq
32. Legal Prayers When Present at the Mosque
33. Which body part takes precedence when prostration
34. Can the person who is a Mukim endeavor on
35. Law to Cancel Prayers
36. General with the Imam who is not fluent in reading
37. Legal Prayers on Ships / Boats
38. Law to pray on the bed
39. Law of the body to pray
40. Law of Prayer in an airplane
41. Is the Messenger of Allah to be prosperous when praying?
42.Berdo’a or dhikr in prayer
43. Law of the second call to prayer on Friday prayers
44. Law of prayer in one multistory mosque
45. Law of Friday prayer 2 waves
If there are criticisms and suggestions please send it to our email at: [email protected]
Daftar Isi nya :
2.Hukum Menambah Doa Qunut
3.Solusi Ketika Merasa Keluar Hadats
4.Tata Cara Mengerjakan Sujud Sahwi
5.Cara Sholat Wanita Yang Haidnya Terputus-putus
6.Hukum Shalat Dengan Memakai Sandal
7.Hukum Meninggalkan Shalat Jum'at
8.Hukum Mengqodho' Sholat Tarawih
9.Hukum Shalat Memakai Sarung Tangan
10.Hukum Makmum Yang Ketinggalan Membaca Fatihah
11.Hukum Bermakmum Pada Wanita Istihadhoh
12.Mengqoshor Sholat?
13.Jarak Diperbolehkannya Qoshor Sholat
14.mengeluarkan darah istihadhoh sebelum sholat
15.Bacaan Makmum Ketika I'tidal
16.Antara Sholat Dhuha Sendirian Dan Berjamaah
17.Tata Cara Mengganti Imam
18.Hukum Penambahan Takbir
19.Status Ibadah Orang Yang Memasukkan Obat
20.Sesudah duduk atau bangun dari sujud
21.Hukum Mendirikan Dua Sholat Jama'ah
22.Ketika Adzan berkumandang
23.Batasan Tertawa Yang Membatalkan Sholat
24.Hukum Shalat Dengan Membawa Selang Kencing
25.Tata Cara Sholat Didalam Kendaraan
26.Hukum Sholat Jenazah
27.Hukum sholat sambil bersandar
28.Hukum Mengikuti Gerakan Imam
29.Meragukan Masuknya Waktu Sholat
30.Sholat Witir Hanya Satu Rakaat
31.Hukum bermakmum Pada Imam Yang Fasiq
32.Hukum Shalat Saat Hadir Di Masjid
33.Bagian Tubuh Mana Yang Didahulukan Saat Sujud
34.Bolehkah Orang Yang Mukim Bermakmum Pada
35.Hukum Membatalkan Sholat
36.Bermakmum dengan Imam Yang Tidak Fasih Bacaannya
37.Hukum Shalat Di Atas Kapal Laut / Perahu
38.Hukum sholat diatas kasur
39.Hukum sholat jenazah
40.Hukum Sholat didalam pesawat terbang
41.Rasulullah menjadi makmum ketika shalat ?
42.Berdo’a atau berdzikir dalam sholat
43.Hukum adzan kedua pada shalat jum’at
44.Hukum shalat dalam satu masjid bertingkat
45.Hukum shalat jum’at 2 gelombang
jika ada kritik dan saran silahkan kirimkan ke email kami di : [email protected]
Fiqh prayer with detailed discussion in each discussion. From the Procedures for Prayers, the Law of Prayer, the Wisdom of Prayers, and the Virtue of
1. Preamble
2. Law Adding Prayer to Qunut
3. Solution When Feeling Out Hadats
4. How to do Sujud Sahwi
5. How to Pray for Men with Menstrual Disorder
6. Laws of Prayer Using Sandals
7. Law Leaves Friday Prayers
8. Law of Mengqodho 'Tarawih Prayer
9. Legal Prayers Using Gloves
10. Common Laws That Left behind to Read Fatihah
11. The Law of Prosperity in Women Is Beautiful
12. Horror Prayers?
13. Distance allowed Qoshor prayer
14. Take out istihadhoh blood before praying
15. Reading Meanings When I'tidal
16. Between Dhuha Prayers Alone and Congregation
17. How to Change Imam
18. Takbir Addition Law
19. Worship Status of People Who Enter Medicine
20.After sitting or waking up from prostration
21. The Law Establishes Two Congregational Prayers
22.When Adzan reverberated
23. Limits of Laughter That Cancel Prayers
24. Law of Prayer by Bringing the Urine Hose
25. How to Pray in the Vehicle
26. Laws of Prison Prayer
27. Law of prayer while leaning
28. Law Following the Movement of the Imam
29. Doubt the Entry of Prayer Times
30. Sholat Witir Only One Rakaat
31. The law is blessed with the Imam who is the Fasq
32. Legal Prayers When Present at the Mosque
33. Which body part takes precedence when prostration
34. Can the person who is a Mukim endeavor on
35. Law to Cancel Prayers
36. General with the Imam who is not fluent in reading
37. Legal Prayers on Ships / Boats
38. Law to pray on the bed
39. Law of the body to pray
40. Law of Prayer in an airplane
41. Is the Messenger of Allah to be prosperous when praying?
42.Berdo’a or dhikr in prayer
43. Law of the second call to prayer on Friday prayers
44. Law of prayer in one multistory mosque
45. Law of Friday prayer 2 waves
If there are criticisms and suggestions please send it to our email at: [email protected]
- ソフトウェアの名称: Fiqih Shalat Mazhab Imam Syafii
- ソフトウェアカテゴリ: ツール
- APK名: com.cryptostudent.FiqihShalatLengkap
- 最新バージョン: 4.0
- サポートROM: 4.1 以上
- ファイルサイズ : 8.76 MB
- 更新した: 2021-03-17