CM13 OnePlus One Theme [free]


CM13 OnePlus One Theme is based on OnePlus One CM11s for CyanogenMod 13/12 RomsTheme Includes:- Alarms- Boot Animation- Fonts- Icons (+133)- Lock Wallpapers- Navigation Bar- Notifications- Ringtones- Status Bar- Style- WallpapersThemed Apps:Cyanogenmod Appps:- AudioFX- Browser- Calculator- Calender- Camera- Clock- Contacts- DocumentsUI- Downloads- Email- File Manager- Gallery- Keyboard- Messaging- Music- Phone- Settings- Sound recorder- ThemesCyanogenOS Apps:- Calendar (Boxer Calendar)- CameraNext- Email (Boxer Email)- GalleryNext- Phone (DialerNext)- ScreencastGoogle Apps:- Calculator- Camera- Clock- Contacts- Google Play Store- Keep- Keyboard- Messenger- Now Launcher- PhoneOther Apps:- MX Player (Icon Themed Only)- Nova Launcher- SuperSU (Icon Themed Only)HOW TO APPLY THE THEME:- Once you've downloaded the theme, go to Settings/Themes. - Look for CM13 OnePlus One Theme, then apply it.- Reboot your phone for best experience.Supporting Roms:- Cyanogenmod 12,12s,12.1,12.1s, 13, Blisspop Lollipop Roms, Resurrection Remix Lollipop and Marshmallow RomsCONTACT & INFO:Henry [ELS Design] (DO NOT COPY MY THEME)- Follow me on Google+: If you need help or you ran into some problems or bugs? - Please contact me at: [email protected] me improve my themeThank You


Free Download ダウンロードする二次元コード
  • ソフトウェアの名称: CM13 OnePlus One Theme
  • ソフトウェアカテゴリ: カスタマイズ
  • APK名: com.elsalvador.cm12oneplusonetheme
  • 最新バージョン:
  • サポートROM: 5.0 以上
  • ファイルサイズ : 11.54 MB
  • 更新した: 2017-07-19