* Features
- Rich and relevant vocabulary set. We have extracted all the right words from our desktop version to cover all the mobile use case: from writing an email to looking up a map and writing something on your favorite social network site and so on.
-- Places: [東京都中央卸売市場] [秋葉原ラジオ会館] [立山黒部アルペンルート]
-- Celebrity : [徳川光圀] [織田信秀]
-- Foreign words : [Android(あんどろいど)] [Bistro(びすとろ)] [Trattoria(とらっとりあ)]
- Neat features. Take advantage of unique handy features such as:
-- 「きょう」to get today's date or「いま」to get the current time.
-- Just type「1203」and get suggestions like [12月3日(日付)] or [12:03(時刻)]
-- Smart suffixes: after typing a number, you will get the right suffix. Some examples: [12 → 月、時] [100 → 円、万] [246 → 号、沿い]
* Requirements
- Android 2.1 or later.
■ Notes
- All the Google Japanese Input product, including this Android version, can be used without any active network connection.
- 03/15/2023: Google Japanese Input 2.25.4177.3.339833498.release.arm64.v8a
- 06/06/2018: Google Japanese Input 2.24.3290.3.198253168.release.armeabi.v7a
- 05/26/2018: Google Japanese Input 2.24.3285.3.197555052.release.armeabi.v7a
- 02/09/2018: Google Japanese Input 2.22.3130.3.179518136.release.armeabi.v7a
- 07/19/2017: Google Japanese Input 2.20.2802.3.148308588.arm64.v8a
- 03/18/2017: Google Japanese Input 2.20.2802.3.148308588.armeabi.v7a
- 09/07/2016: Google Japanese Input 2.18.2581.3.129228829.armeabi.v7a
- 05/02/2016: Google Japanese Input 2.17.2160.3.arm
- 12/02/2015: Google Japanese Input 2.17.2110.3.arm
- 04/05/2015: Google Japanese Input 2.17.2072.3.arm
- 03/08/2015: Google Japanese Input 2.16.2016.3.arm
- Report a new version
- ソフトウェアの名称: Google Japanese Input
- ソフトウェアカテゴリ: 仕事効率化
- APK名: com.google.android.inputmethod.japanese
- 最新バージョン: 2.25.4177.3.339833498.release.arm64.v8a
- サポートROM: 5.0 以上
- ファイルサイズ : 16.58 MB
- 更新した: 2023-03-15