Caller Name Ringtone 2.2 [free]


Caller Name is called out when someone is calling you, rather than regular boring ringtones. Caller Name Announcement from the app helps you understand who is calling you
without looking at the phone.
Caller Name Ringtone speaks the caller name through speaker when someone calls you instead of playing your phone ringtone. When a call comes in automatically caller name
is announced so you can understand who is calling without picking up the phone. Call Name Speaker built into app announces Caller Name or number if its not a
Caller Name Ringtone now equipped with SMS Message Announcer. When an SMS Message comes in, SMS Message arrival is announced. You can optional chose to Listen to complete
SMS Message.
No configuration needed and functionality is ready to go. Best Call Name Announcer and extremely helpful for people who have issues with small fonts or have a visual
Caller Name Ringtone comes with complete Custom features and settings:
★ Enable or Disable Caller Name Announcement any time.
★ You can Disable Phone Ringtone and Replace it with Call Name Announcement repeatedly. You can chose the delay between announcing Caller name.
★ You can Enable or disable SMS Announcer
★ You can enable to read the complete SMS Message out loud when a SMS Message comes in. Be Careful in enabling this feature if you have SMS That you don't want anyone
around you hear the SMS Messages.
★ You can chose how many times incoming SMS Message need to be announced.
★ You can chose announce in coming calls in Silent mode for the phone.
★ You can chose Call Announcer to work in Vibrate mode.
★ You can change Speech Rate and Pitch of the voice announcing Incoming Phone calls and SMS Messages.
Privacy Notice: We do not transfer any of your messages or calls or Contacts to our servers.


Free Download ダウンロードする二次元コード
  • ソフトウェアの名称: Caller Name Ringtone
  • ソフトウェアカテゴリ: ツール
  • APK名: com.mah.calltalk
  • 最新バージョン: 2.2
  • サポートROM: 4.0 以上
  • ファイルサイズ : 1.39 MB
  • 更新した: 2018-03-21