
The application of the book of light shown in the stories of the prophets and messengers by its author Mr. Nemat Allah Al-Jazaery, have a good rest and make Heaven a resting
Author's introduction
In the name of of Allah the Merciful
Praise be to God who sent his prophets as an argument to the worlds and followed them with guardians to complement the revealed religion. He chose five of them, and they
gave determination and favored them over his messenger prophets. He chose from among them Muhammad, may God’s prayers be upon him and his family, and made him a prophet and
Adam between water and mud. Then he preferred his guardians, may God’s prayers be upon them, and made them an argument over the people of the heavens and the earth. Among
them was his cousin, his brother, and the gate of Madinah, his knowledge of all creation, and he singled out a name that was forbidden to others to be called, and he is the
Commander of the Faithful, may God’s prayers be upon him and his infallible children from this day until the Day of Judgment.
And after that the culprit, the perpetrator, says a little in the goods and a lot of waste, the blessing of God Almighty al-Musawi al-Jazaery, may God Almighty help him to
his pleasure, and make the future of his conditions better than his past, that when God Almighty enabled us to write our book marked (Riyadh of the Righteous) in the virtues
of the pure imams, may God’s peace be upon them during the night and the edges of the day, and we investigated what we have reached from The conditions of the Prophet, may
God’s prayers be upon him and his family, and the conditions of the imams, peace be upon them, from their births, their miracles, their conquests, and their virtues to
perfection. His number of three volumes came in them from their secrets (PBUH) as long as they were not blotted out by a person before them or a group of scholars then asked
us to write a book detailing the conditions of the prophets And what happened to them in earlier times to be a complement to our aforementioned book, and its hadiths are
recited in the firstborn and ages, and we called it (the light shown in the stories of the prophets and messengers), and we arranged it on an introduction, chapters,
chapters and a conclusion.
For an introduction to explaining what the Prophets, peace be upon them, share in their number and the most determined determination among them, and the difference between
the Prophet and the Imam and a group of their conditions. I know that Wahb bin Munabbih compiled a simple book in the stories of the prophets and we do not rely on what he
mentioned in it because it is through the public and their dates. Al-Raundi, may God sanctify his shrine, as he is one of our scholars and also wrote a book in which he
explained the stories of the prophets, peace be upon them, and narrated what was deposited in it of our news about the imams, peace be upon them, but he deviated from him
most of what his book contained, so the stories were deficient and need to be completed. As for our contemporary Sheikh, may God sanctify his secret. He wrote the book (Seas
of Lights) and made the fifth book on the conditions of the Prophets (PBUH) and called it the Book of Prophethood, for it is that he surrounded all their stories (PBUH) and
detailed their conditions from our news and narrations, but he reached the goal of lengthening and detailing because he mentioned the verses first and their interpretation
second and all that came from the public path And especially in explaining their conditions (PBUH), so I liked that my book was woven in a strange and strange pattern, by
mentioning all of the special methods and some of the public narrations that I needed if the need for it falls on the way of abbreviation, so it becomes a book of small
size, abundant in knowledge that is fragile God Almighty said: (And when God took the covenant of the prophets when I brought you from a book and wisdom, then a messenger
came to you, who was with you, to believe in him and to support him. He said: You decide, and you took on that, they said: We decided, he said, so bear witness, and I am
with you of the two witnesses) .......


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  • 更新した: 2024-05-20