Trackendar 1.6 [free]


Frustrated with current very specific tracking solutions (weight, excersice, period, etc)? Do you want a calendar that can show you quickly what has been going on in your life so you can search for correlations in daily habits? Then this might be the app for you.

We give you the power to define events and habits instead of having them prepackaged.

★ Values: Quantificable activities, like weight, distance of a run, excercise repetitions, etc. You can choose statistics to show along the value you tracked, to respond to such questions as: what was your average weight on this month? What was the maximum number of repetitions you did on the bar this year?
★ Occurrences: Expected but unscheduled events, like reading, taking out the trash, changing the cat's litter box, etc. They just mark an accomplishment or event in your life, without regard for previous events.
★ Habits: Expected and scheduled activities, like eating healty each meal, not smoking, exercising 3 times a week, etc. Habits they take into account past events, and they are visualized like a Seinfeld calendar, where you can see your progress and how much you stick to them.

We present them on a nice monthly view so you can see at a simple glance what happend recently.
For more detail you can zoom-in on a particular day, which will show you the complete list of values along some interesting statistics. Or you can see an overview of all occurrences of a particular event.
Works perfectly offline.


Free Download ダウンロードする二次元コード
  • ソフトウェアの名称: Trackendar
  • ソフトウェアカテゴリ: 仕事効率化
  • APK名: com.sickmartian.calendartracker
  • 最新バージョン: 1.6
  • サポートROM: 4.0 以上
  • ファイルサイズ : 3.9 MB
  • 更新した: 2017-08-18