Welcome to a world of discovery with wafy app, your smart local directory!
Hop on and start browsing in Saudi Arabia for absolutely any business and we'll find it for you through our robust digital platform. Not only that! Each result you find is
100% relevant to your search and reviewed by other users to optimize your experience and find the perfect solution.
أهلاّ بكم في عالمٍ مليء بالإكتشاف مع وافي ، دليلكم الذكيّ المحليّ!
انضمّوا إلينا وابدؤوا رحلة البحث في السعودية عن أيّة مؤسّسة أو مزوّد خدمات ستجد ما تبحثون عنه من خلال منصّتنا الرقميّة المتكاملة. وهناك المزيد! جميع نتائج بحثكم ستكون ذات
صلة مباشرة وتأتيكم مع تقييماتٍ لآداء المؤسّسة أو مزوّد الخدمات المطلوب لتكون تجربتكم مع وافي هي الأكثر دقّة
Browse, surf, search and discover! That's the essence of the Wafy platform which will unveil to you new information with every inquiry.
Wafy offers a platform that enriches everyone's lives with insightful reviews, content and ratings. Now, how inspiring is that?
When we have new insights, we don't just keep them for ourselves; we SHARE them with you! And we expect you to do the same. Share Wafy with the people around you so they
can too, enjoy more convenient lives!
We provide you with exactly what you need. We prefer the word "empower", but we'll leave it to you to decide about that.
Ratings are Wafy's source of credibility and trust. With reviews about each service provider, users can have a sneak peek at the performance they can expect from a chosen
Hop on and start browsing in Saudi Arabia for absolutely any business and we'll find it for you through our robust digital platform. Not only that! Each result you find is
100% relevant to your search and reviewed by other users to optimize your experience and find the perfect solution.
أهلاّ بكم في عالمٍ مليء بالإكتشاف مع وافي ، دليلكم الذكيّ المحليّ!
انضمّوا إلينا وابدؤوا رحلة البحث في السعودية عن أيّة مؤسّسة أو مزوّد خدمات ستجد ما تبحثون عنه من خلال منصّتنا الرقميّة المتكاملة. وهناك المزيد! جميع نتائج بحثكم ستكون ذات
صلة مباشرة وتأتيكم مع تقييماتٍ لآداء المؤسّسة أو مزوّد الخدمات المطلوب لتكون تجربتكم مع وافي هي الأكثر دقّة
Browse, surf, search and discover! That's the essence of the Wafy platform which will unveil to you new information with every inquiry.
Wafy offers a platform that enriches everyone's lives with insightful reviews, content and ratings. Now, how inspiring is that?
When we have new insights, we don't just keep them for ourselves; we SHARE them with you! And we expect you to do the same. Share Wafy with the people around you so they
can too, enjoy more convenient lives!
We provide you with exactly what you need. We prefer the word "empower", but we'll leave it to you to decide about that.
Ratings are Wafy's source of credibility and trust. With reviews about each service provider, users can have a sneak peek at the performance they can expect from a chosen
- 05/28/2018: Wafy - وافي 1.5.1
- Report a new version
Free Download
- ソフトウェアの名称: Wafy - وافي
- ソフトウェアカテゴリ: 旅行&地域
- APK名: com.wafyclient
- 最新バージョン: 1.5.1
- サポートROM: 4.1 以上
- ファイルサイズ : 18.79 MB
- 更新した: 2018-05-28