الدستور المغربي كتاب الكتروني 1.6 [free]


The 2011 Moroccan constitution stipulated that the system of government in Morocco is a constitutional monarchy system, a parliamentary and social democracy, and that the
kingdom's constitutional system is based on the separation, balance and cooperation of powers, as well as on citizenship and participatory democracy, on principles of good
governance and linking responsibility to accountability.
The constitution - which Moroccans voted for in a referendum on July 1, 2011 - made the democratic choice among the constants, and in Chapter One, the nation based its public
life on universal constants, represented in tolerant Islamic religion, multi-tiered national unity, and constitutional monarchy , And democratic choice. The following is the
text of the constitution *:
The Kingdom of Morocco, in fulfillment of its irreversible choice, in building a democratic state in which truth and law prevail, continues to establish the institutions of a
modern state, with its pillars of participation, pluralism and good governance, and laying the foundations for a solid society, in which all enjoy security, freedom, dignity,
equality, equal opportunity, and social justice , And the foundations of decent living, within the scope of the correlation between the rights and duties of citizenship.
The Kingdom of Morocco is a fully sovereign Islamic state, clinging to its national and territorial integrity, and to maintaining the cohesion of its national identity, united
by the fusion of all its components, the Arab Islamic, the Amazigh, and the Sahrawi Hassani, rich in its African, Andalusian, Hebrew and Mediterranean tributaries.
The Moroccan identity is characterized by the Islamic religion taking the lead in it, in light of the Moroccan people clinging to the values ​​of openness, moderation,
tolerance, dialogue, and mutual understanding between all human cultures and civilizations.
Aware of the need to include its work within the framework of international organizations, the Kingdom of Morocco, the active working member of these organizations, pledges to
abide by the principles, rights and duties required of its covenants, and affirms its adherence to human rights, as is universally recognized. It also affirms its determination
to continue working to maintain peace and security in the world.
Based on these fixed values ​​and principles, and on its strong will to consolidate the bonds of brotherhood, friendship, cooperation, solidarity and constructive partnership,
and to achieve common progress, the Kingdom of Morocco, the united country with full sovereignty, belonging to the Maghreb, affirms and is committed to the following:
Working to build the Maghreb Union, as a strategic option.
- Deepening the bonds of belonging to the Arab and Islamic nation, and strengthening the bonds of brotherhood and solidarity with their sister peoples.
To strengthen cooperation and solidarity relations with African peoples and countries, especially with the Sahel and Sahara countries.
- To strengthen ties of cooperation, rapprochement and partnership with the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean neighborhood.
- Expanding and diversifying friendship, human, economic, scientific, technical, and cultural relations with all countries of the world.
Strengthening South-South Cooperation.
- To protect and advance the human rights and international humanitarian law systems, and to contribute to their development, taking into account the cosmic nature of those
rights, and their indivisibility.
To prohibit and combat all forms of discrimination, based on gender, color, belief, culture, social or regional affiliation, language, disability, or any personal status,
whatever it is.
- Make international agreements, as ratified by Morocco, within the scope of the provisions of the constitution, the laws of the Kingdom, and its established national identity,
as soon as they are published, transcend national legislation, and work to harmonize these legislations with what is required for such ratification. This export forms an
integral part of this constitution.


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  • ソフトウェアの名称: الدستور المغربي كتاب الكتروني
  • ソフトウェアカテゴリ: 書籍&文献
  • APK名: constitution.marocaine2011.mjn
  • 最新バージョン: 1.6
  • サポートROM: 4.4 以上
  • ファイルサイズ : 13.64 MB
  • 更新した: 2022-10-04