文学城离线浏览器 7.2.1 [free]



1. 这个浏览器最大的特点应该是流畅,打开一篇新闻或者文章,一秒内就已经显示完毕,不用等待漫长的网络延迟,不用等待服务器的茫然反应,那该多好!
2. 这个浏览器可以在有WIFI的时候自动下载选取的新闻和版块,存储可以选择内部或者SD卡,可以选择多少时间同步一次,可以选择感兴趣的版块,可以选择下载几天之内的内容...那该多好!
3. 哥要是到外地去,不想把数据一直开着,太费电了,一天都不一定支撑得了,但是哥还想看看新闻啊,看看贴子啊,要是有这样一个离线的浏览器,没有网络照样看新闻,那该多好!至于下载内容多大,100M到200M放在SD卡上面哥也觉得不是什么大问题,反正一过期了就删除了。

4. 这个浏览器要很很小,1M就差不多了嘛,干嘛要官方浏览器20M那么大?它到底在干什么?
5. 这个浏览器不要特别的权限,有网络就足够了,干嘛要知道我在那里,叫什么名字,我的电话号码,我的朋友多是那些人???(需要的权限是网络,写图片到SD卡,阻止进入休眠状态以防止下载终止)

If you don't understand above, please don't install this APP.

Brother really can not stand, so brother wrote this browser.
Columbia had the official browser, slow + block + occasionally crash, one hour subway ride could not see much news and articles. So brother decided to write a browser.
Costa Rica is a virgin, oh no, brother is a Virgo, brother hope of such a browser:
1. The greatest feature of this browser should be smooth, or open a news article, it has been displayed in one second, without waiting for a long network delay, without
waiting for the server's loss reaction, and that nice!
2. The browser can be downloaded automatically when there is WIFI news and selected pages, you can select the internal memory or SD card, you can choose how much time
synchronization once, you can select the area of ​​interest, you can choose to download content within a few days ... that nice!
3. If the brother to the field, you do not want the data has been open, too much power, and not a day had some support, but would like to see news brother ah, look at
postings ah, if there is such an offline browser No network can still watch the news, and that nice! As for the download content much, 100M to 200M SD card on top brother
also do not think a big problem, since one expired on deleted.
4. This browser must be very small, 1M to almost the same thing, why should the official browser 20M so big? It is in the end doing?
5. The browser not special rights, there is a network enough, you want to know why I was there, what was the name, my phone number, my friends are mostly those people? ? ?
(Permission is needed is a network, writing image to the SD card, to prevent from going to sleep to prevent the download termination)
Now brother to write out the program together for everyone to use. Brother solemnly declare: brother does not write rogue programs, brother only read information is only
needed to write only brother should write content, or even the beginning of Columbia hold onto advertising. If you have legitimate reasons to the source, brother may also
be provided.
Of course, for unofficial browser, the biggest problem is that if the city of literature revision, the program may be a problem. But the brother and he used every day, so
the brother should be more anxious than you!
Who said how you do not write English explanation, for that matter, brother just want to say:
If you do not understand above, please do not install this APP.


Free Download ダウンロードする二次元コード
  • ソフトウェアの名称: 文学城离线浏览器
  • ソフトウェアカテゴリ: ニュース&雑誌
  • APK名: panaimin.wenxuecity
  • 最新バージョン: 7.2.1
  • サポートROM: 4.2 以上
  • ファイルサイズ : 4.38 MB
  • 更新した: 2019-11-05