AMZS, prometne informacije 1.3.5 [free]


Preverite, kaj je na poti z ažurnimi, točnimi, jasnimi in dostopnimi prometnimi informacijami. Pravi prijatelj za poti brez skrbi!
AMZS je brezplačna aplikacija, ki voznike opozarja na radarje, nasproti vozeče voznike, policijske kontrole, prometne nesreče, zastoje, bližine šol in druge dogodke v
prometu. Barvna skala cest ponazarja pretočnost prometa. Deluje tako, da ženski glas voznika v slovenskem jeziku samodejno opozori na dogodek, ki voznika čaka na njegovi
poti. Pri tem vozniku ni potrebno gledati v telefon, temveč lahko ostane osredotočen na vožnjo in cesto.
Poleg obveščanja o dogodkih, vsebuje tudi vpogled v cestne kamer. Vpogled v cestne kamere omogoča vozniku, da pregleda stanje na slovenskem avtocestnem križu, preden se
odpravi na pot.
Aplikacija ima tudi tipko SOS. Tipka SOS pošlje sms s koordinatami vozila v klicni center AMZS. Sporočilo omogoča dežurni ekipi AMZS, da obvesti ustrezne intervencijske
Tipka SOS igra zelo pomembno vlogo v primeru, ko udeleženec zaradi šoka ne zna točno opisati svoje lokacije. Tipka SOS zato uporabniku omogoča, da na enostaven način
z enim SMS sporočilom posreduje svojo točno lokacijo in tako zelo olajša delo intervencijskim službam.
Za točnost prometnih informacij skrbi posebej usposobljena ekipa prometnega servisa Radia 1 in informacijskega centra AMZS, vsak dan, od 6h do 24h.
* Pogosta uporaba GPS-a v ozadju lahko hitreje izprazni baterijo.
* Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Check out what's on his way to the daily UN, accurate, clear and accessible traffic information. A true friend of the path without worry!
AMZS is a free application that reminds drivers of the speed cameras, oncoming drivers, police checks, traffic accidents, congestion, proximity to schools and other events
in traffic. Color Cliff road illustrates the flow of traffic. It works by female voice of the driver in the Slovenian language automatically alerts in the event that the
driver put in his path. When this driver is not necessary to look at the phone, but can remain focused on driving and road.
In addition to information about events, also includes insights into the street cameras. Insight into the road the camera allows the driver to review the situation on the
Slovenian motorway network before it embarks on a journey.
The app also has an SOS button. SOS button sends an SMS with the coordinates of the vehicle in a call center AMZS. Communication allows the team AMZS duty to notify the
appropriate emergency services.
SOS button plays a very important role in the case of a student from shock can not accurately describe their location. SOS button therefore allows the user to easily
with a single SMS message to your exact location and so facilitate the work of the intervention agency.
The accuracy of the traffic information concerns specially trained team of the transport service of Radio 1 and the information center AMZS, every day, from 6 to 24
* Frequent use of GPS in the background can be battery faster.
* Continued use of GPS running and the background can Dramatically decrease battery life.


Free Download ダウンロードする二次元コード
  • ソフトウェアの名称: AMZS, prometne informacije
  • ソフトウェアカテゴリ: 旅行&地域
  • APK名: si.topapp.radaralarm
  • 最新バージョン: 1.3.5
  • サポートROM: 4.1 以上
  • ファイルサイズ : 7.24 MB
  • 更新した: 2018-10-05