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294712 APKの合計 ダウンロード 最新バージョン

It is a simple alarm clock equipped with a function necessary for an alarm clock. If you add a music files to a list, You can wake up to your favorite

2.56 MB

THIS is app of true stories from bible. The stories give you a history of the world from when God began to create until right up to our present day. T

6.82 MB

Learn Korean is an easy to use mobile Korean Phrasebook that will give visitors to Korea and those who are interested in learning Korean a good start

6.46 MB

Arah Kiblat atau juga dieja qiblat, merujuk kepada arah Kaabah yang menjadi titik arah sembahyang bagi orang Islam. Pada mulanya, kiblat mengarah ke B

325.36 KB

300만명 다운로드의 1위모바일 소설 드라마보다 소설같고, 소설보다 생생한 드라마같은 상풀입니다! - 거기에 주인공은 바로 나! ※ 자동 업데이트 허용을 체크해 두시면 최신 상풀을 편리하게 즐기실 수 있습니다. ※ ※ 업데이트 후 상풀 이용중에 자꾸 튕기면, 앱을 완전

2.82 MB

Convert your file to nearly any format! Convert Video, Audio, Images, Documents, E-books and archives between nearly any file formats! The most simple

4.95 MB

ALKITAB dilengkapi dengan Kidung Jemaat, Nyanyikanlah Kidung Baru, dan Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat Offline. Alkitab terdiri dari Kitab Perjanjian Baru dan

11.92 MB

To ensure that everyone can enjoy the benefits of HTC Sense Input in the language they want, HTC phones come pre-loaded with several languages. If the

6.51 MB
World Map 2.0.2

WorldMap is a simple Android app that displays a map of the world taken from Wikimedia (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/33/Physical_Po

5.75 MB
Boost 411 1.2.53

The Boost411 Local Search app helps you find businesses and people for FREE. Search using business names and/or categories (i.e. Restaurant) and your

4.04 MB

Please rate this app if you support such project. Better know your phone by - 1. check the phone's detail hardware information; 2. run performance tes

2.34 MB

One of your applications needs to install the Crosswalk Project runtime in order to run on your device. Installation of this library does not require

23.75 MB

Carry your Bible with you everywhere! Download the Bible online and read or listen the most inspirational and motivational book of the history! Feel c

8.61 MB

This is English - Malay and Malay - English Dictionary (Kamus Bahasa Inggeris-Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Melayu-Bahasa Inggeris), containing 53000 trans

7.41 MB

Manage your APK in the easiest way。 Feature ******************* • Scan all APKs in SD card • Install APK • Search APK • Batch rename APK's filename •

3.2 MB

При помощи данного приложения вы сможете запустить встроенное инженерное меню на своём смартфоне , построенном на процессоре MTK (MT6573 , MT6577 , MT

228.82 KB

Translate text, word or sentence from Hindi to English or from English to Hindi language. You can use this apps as a Hindi to English dictionary or En

2.74 MB

Wiki Encyclopaedia Gold presents Wikipedia ™, conveniently formatted and speeded up for your Android device - even without an internet connection! NEW

4.68 MB

With this app, you can easily convert text to speech (TTS). Just enter the text and the app speaks it for you.Features: - Text to Speech Synthesize wi

3.18 MB

Также вышли новые крутые загадки. Их можете скачать на странице с нашими приложениями здесь на ГуглПлей. Большой сборник отборных загадок с подвохом д

814.32 KB