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Wanam Xposed 4.0.1

All Samsung Rooted TouchWiz Android 4.2+ Roms- It Requires Root Access - It Requires Xposed Framework 2.2+ (Bridge API 30+): http://forum.xda-develop

1.78 MB
涂书笔记 1.5.1

App Store首页“优秀新App”多次推荐!最美应用推荐!南方日报推荐!上线2个月,被各大科技门户和互联网媒体推荐,受到舆论广泛好评,爱读书的你还不快来试试~内容提要:- 全新的图书笔记记录工具!可以把纸面文字马上电子化!专为读书人设计!- 拍照+涂抹,马上就能记录书中的精彩句子- 还可以随手记

17.03 MB

Translate Bubble is an application designed to help you prevent interruptions while translating text from your favorite applications.Features include:

2.37 MB

DarkMTRL CM12 is a dark theme developed for the Theme Engine from CyanogenMod CM12.It is based on the original concept by the author when Android 5.0

37.63 MB
QCurrency+ 1.6.0

QCurrency+ is a currency converter and calculator tool for traveler, with intuitive interface, easy operation and good interaction ! 。Add currency con

2.86 MB

2.07 MB

Super SMS Quick Delete is new application from Superdroid.It provides utility like:. delete multi sms threads at same time.. delete multi sms under on

247.42 KB

*** Learn Russian language when visiting Russia ***All Russian phrases and words are presented to you in both phonetic and original Russian writing. T

45.77 MB

Dance your fingers to the rhythms of tunes, enjoy various genres of music. We transport the idea of dance machine into Droid. Instead of blanket, you

2.96 MB
SayLove 2.5.5

22.63 MB
ApkRenamer 2.0.1

ApkRenamer renames automatically apks file in your device. If you have an apk file with a name you do not know, this application allows you to rename

880.04 KB
Magus 1.08

Control your Android with just tilts and flips!Use combos of physical 3D gestures to do or launch almost anything you wish without even unlocking your

430.12 KB
墨笺 1.2.2

5.37 MB

AudioVision is modern designed music visualizer, which can be used as fully-featured music player at the same time. It allows you to organize your mus

2.23 MB

What to style your phone? Let's try Phanatxy!The most fantasy scenarios and foreground effect are on your cell phone now!Phantaxy provides several sce

1.51 MB

《旅行翻译官》由蚂蜂窝旅行网原创打造,让您的Android设备开口说话。包含40多个语种,每个语种根据不同的场景进行分类,如交通、问候、银行、购物、娱乐、餐饮等。* 每条语句点击即可发音,简单方便* 全中文界面* 默认支持中英文翻译* 多国语音包* 录音分享蚂蜂窝旅行网拥有20多万篇精彩的游记,涉及

6.27 MB

1.66 MB

This theme is for custom CM12 / 12.1 based ROM with the new Theme Chooser Engine Please make sure you are running the latest version of your ROM to av

31.6 MB

Something powerful, something elegant, something valuable! It is Dolphin Browser® Mini.Something fast, something simple, something new! It is Dolphin

1.22 MB
Death Rally 1.1.4

Played more than 120 million times by more than 11 million gamers worldwide! FREE to play for as long as you like! A thrilling career mode where you c

49.16 MB