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2.51 MB

6.43 MB
Platycon 0.8b

Beautiful, Flat and Material! Platycon is an icon pack inspired by material design. After opening it, you'll notice beautiful, material dashboard, whe

6.61 MB

100% self-made iconsI strongly advise you to only use this theme on OMS Roms.You must also have the Substratum app installed (https://play.google.com/

8.46 MB
Words 1.7

有否試過被一段文字撩起内心的感受?『人們之所以會允許他們自己被席捲到大規模的事件中去,是為了不必再對他們的生活負任何責任,並且希望能夠擺脫現實中的平庸或苦難。一場興起的大眾運動為人們的焦慮、思想上的空洞以及個體存在的無意義性提供了庇護所。- 艾力·賀佛爾』『We judge ourselves by

10.98 MB

Minimalist clock for your home screen. With optional date display. It is a combination of digital and analogue time display. Easy to read and suitabl

295.39 KB

"掌媒”免费版发布啦!海量精美杂志全部免费下载阅读! “掌媒”是掌媒数字新媒体有限公司研发的,全球第一款能够阅读原版杂志、报纸、图书的软件,是欣赏图文并茂精美杂志很好的工具。掌媒是专供智能手机用户欣赏原版杂志所用的,其构筑的“掌上媒体世界”是国内最大的原版手机杂志阵地,阅读功能和内容资源空前强

2.98 MB

DescriptionSolo camera is the easiest way to create and share first-of-its-kind selfie videos and photos with special “Full Body” effects!Solo lets yo

61.01 MB

Please NOTE that even if supported, CM11 and other ROM Nightlies or Betas can have bugs and could make your device unstable / unusable.Make a Backup

11.6 MB
态客 2.0.1


14.05 MB

456.88 KB

DarkMTRL LayersEdition is for ROMs with Layers support and is a follow-on from the the CM12 DarkMTRL theme. It is based on the original concept by the

12.11 MB

Chinese Calendar records and shares everyday. New standards, new uses. It doesn't want to work on notes is not a good calendar. Chinese Calendar, ba

7.32 MB

94.38 KB

EZ Launcher(beta) is coming, a cool home replacement app, with the most convenient way to operate & organize your phone.#Features: - Genius app list

2.88 MB

Verifying your power supply stage never seemed so excellent on a Battery Widget! Checking your power supply stage never seemed so excellent on a Ba

4.53 MB
GeekNews 1.0.1

7.69 MB
May 2.7.0

May is an amazing photo editor app that adds colour to your priceless memories. It can create unique blending effects with your photos. May uses doubl

13.01 MB
Rock VR 0.7.3

4.38 MB

143.86 KB