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AR Plus 2.2.4

We introduced the new AR platform AR Plus, while adding VR function, and ARPlus extended to , AR Map search, AR map navigation, VR panorama and video,

55.27 MB

Aplicativo do grupo Dojo Master Karate Kenyu Ryu Do contendo demonstrações de defesas, golpes, katas, bases em imagens. Possui ainda a graduação de fa

4.04 MB

Yong Moo Do

5.13 MB
shaolin 1.0

Kung Fu is the app with lots of Kung Fu moves, dunks and basics with a complete program that contains all the basic and advanced lessons to practice t

3.15 MB

A simple offline English Urdu dictionary with text-to-speech guide, ability to save words for later purpose.This is the free offline English dictionar

7.36 MB

Gujarati Dictionary is a mobile dictionary app designed to help Gujarati speakers learn and improve their English language skills. This Gujarati Dicti

6.73 MB

В приложение вошли следующие главы: Введение, Никогда не сдаваться, Ищите уязвимые места, Не забывайте о собственной устойчивости, Просите, предлагайт

8.09 MB
Karate 1.0

Karate is an android app dedicated for self defense and training lovers you will have all needed information to learn karateka game , and to enjoy you

2.49 MB

========Ramadan Eid Images Wishes============== Ramadan Eid Images Wishes application is a very beautiful collection of messages,wallpaper,greetings a

5.66 MB

Avec l'application Guide des paris PMU, retrouvez toutes les astuces pour parier sur les courses hippiques PMU et utilisez un répartiteur de mises sim

2.47 MB

City Mini Golf 3D is miniature golfing game with best gaming environments and controls. City Mini Golf 3 D is loaded with best ball and shoot controls

49.69 MB

This app will allow the karateka to choose a kata from a list according his rank, and to watch it.

719.96 KB

Katas Karate, es una aplicacion que cuenta con una gran cantidad de katas, donde explica sus origenes, sus significados, quien fue su creador y en que

5.9 MB

World Point Martial Arts Federation WKF, NASKA,NBL,WAKO,WKA

2.17 MB
Goju Ryu 3.0

App based on the style of Karate Goju Ryu, where has a bit of its history, its main characteristics and its main katas.

3.77 MB

■ Taip perkataan dan Cari Semua Kamus Inggeris - Melayu secara serentak. ■ Kamus - Kamus.com - TamilCube - citcat - Bhanot - PRPM - PRPM Laman - Oxfor

8.51 MB

Supported modes: Light Contact, Full Contact, K1, 10:9 (Boxing, MMA,...), Forms, Kata, Pattern, ITF Scoring, WAKO Scoring, Video Review Request, ... S

1.59 MB

Aplicación sencilla que contiene la versión actual del Reglamento de Competición de la World Karate Federation (WKF) y la Real Federación Española de

8.99 MB

تطبيق فنون دفاع على نفس يحتوي على عدة دروس احترافية و نصائح ذهبية في تقنيات الدفاع المستمدة من أشهر الرياضات كالكاراتيه و التكواندو و الفول كونتاكت. ن

2.95 MB

This free app is able to translate words and text from Kannada to English, and from English to Kannada. Best app for easy and fast translations, which

2.65 MB