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LodeStone 1.4.0

A simple, easy-to-use navigation application that gives the direction back to a marked point. Features: - Simple, easy-to-use design - Distance to way

423.51 KB
Al Bhed 2.6

With this app , it is possible to translate between Albhed and German . In the game Final Fantasy this is very useful .

1.95 MB
MiniCactpot 1.0.4

It is a tool that calculates the candidates in the mini-lot tender that has been implemented in patch 2.51 of Final Fantasy 14 Eoruzea. Enter the four

2.36 MB

Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn のゾディアックウェポンストーリー、「古の武器・ネクサス」の「魂の定着度」を管理します。 ・攻略コンテンツの履歴管理 ・ボーナスタイム対応 ・定着度の段階別メッセージの確認 記載されている会社名・製品名・システム名などは、各社の商標、ま

2.88 MB

Swipe the screen to the left or right to move the page You can change the area to be displayed from the menu * Treasure map to be displayed in patch 3

4.36 MB

Stamina Alert is the missing, unofficial stamina manager for the mobile game Record Keeper. Features: *Manual entry of current/max stamina *Configurab

1.38 MB
XV-EYE 1.0.1

XV-EYE is a software to monitor real-time and playback. When your Phone using a WiFi or cellular data, can access your device by the software. Softwar

11.38 MB

FF14ゴールドソーサの「ミニくじテンダー」のシミュレータです。 各ラインのMGP期待値、確率がわかります。 マスに数字を入れると各ラインの期待値が表示されます。 ラインの数字[1]をタッチするとそのラインのMGPの確率詳細がみれます。 ※処理に多少時間がかかる場合があります(数秒)。 ■更新履歴■

2.36 MB

FF14のギャザラー支援ツールです。 未知・伝説・刻限の時刻表(アラーム機能付き)。 ※不具合やデータ間違いはブログからお知らせ頂けるとありがたいです。 ■機能■ ・未知・伝説・刻限の時刻表 ・時刻表のお気に入り機能 ・アラーム機能 ■更新履歴■ ver1.4  パッチ3.3に対応。 ver1.3

5 MB

"eorzea recipe search" is an application which searches the item in eorzea. A required material can be easily searched also with the manufacture recip

3.99 MB

Instant Receipt Bluetooth Printer is an on-demand receipt printing application which fully support all portable bluetooth printers. The application wa

5.03 MB

Expansion pack also been released, now many equipment. And even if they want looking for a DPS value as the attacker, it is not know how should I equi

1.23 MB

Keep Track of your cards, and npc drops; as well as - search through the Card List for cards containing any detail tied to the identification of the c

2.7 MB

Now you can have a guide for your game Fire Emblem Heroes, Download tis Guide and use it to win in all chapter in this amazing Fire Emblem Heroes game

1 MB

Get the latest news report in your town like Politics, Economy, News and more

17.72 MB

Get mo more fresh news in your town like Economy, Politics and more

17.73 MB

Get mo more fresh news in your country like Science, Business, Economy and more

17.73 MB
MDM 4.0

Marquis De Melville provides you the most complete and latest product information. Genuine functions: 1. Product: From here you can browse all latest

30.4 MB

Get the latest news in your city like Politics, Economy, News and more

17.73 MB
Ville&Casali 4.8.003

Since 1990 Ville & Casali has been the first Italian monthly magazine to furnish, buy and live a prestigious home. A wide selection of the most beauti

24.15 MB