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中医智库 5.6.0

中医智库——掌上中医知识库 【来源】世界中医药学会联合会数据,权威可靠! 【审校】中国中医科学院专家组监制,确保无误! 中医智库源于国家中医科研项目成果,汇聚了全面的中医经典古籍、名家医案、中医方剂、智慧开方等。帮助中医爱好者轻松提升中医诊疗水平,是中医医生、爱好者必备的在线学习工具。 【数据全面】

37.83 MB
MyMemo 1.3.0

This is a memo pad. It is simple and easy to use. O make widget by memo O search memos by keyword O handwriting memo O shared with other applications

1.79 MB

This is the application that is convenient when you want to take a memo by handwriting.

1.77 MB
QuickBack 1.1

このアプリは、センサーで「戻るボタン」を発動させます。 視力が弱い方や、指先が震えてしまう方など、障害がある方を支援するためのアプリです。 小さなボタンを探さなくても、近接センサーに手を近づけるだけで「戻るボタン」を発動できるのでスマホ操作がとても楽になります。 戻るボタンの他にも「ホームボタン、履

573.98 KB
白紙 1.0

<<広告は一切表示されません>> ◆概要 単純なペイントアプリです。 ◆対応Androidバージョン Android 2.2 以上 ◆機能 メニュー画面より、線の色や太さを変えることができます。 ・線の色は、赤、青、緑、黒、白の5種類です。 ・線の太さは、細、ふつう、太の3種類です。 描いた絵は、S

196.81 KB

Plain, simple and ad-free 1-click Widget and Shortcut toggles for these system settings: • WiFi on/off • Bluetooth on/off • Auto Rotation on/off • Dis

126.52 KB

☞ Whiteboard for explanatory diagram You can't always convey an idea easy by email or phone. With simple graphics, you can make your ideas and opinion

20.31 MB

"Quick Flashlight" is very helpful application, just one touch operation double tap to home screen flash will operation, then your phone will replace

2.04 MB

tScreenOFF is a free application that quickly turns off the screen without the use of hard keys! ✓ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: ● The first time you run

254.5 KB

Key features include: Multiple display of calculate history. The calculation results can be modified in the tap. You can copy, tap the text box in the

3.09 MB

CRM - COOLPAD ROM MANAGER It is the easiest way to download any Stock/custom rom for your Coolpad devices. WHAT IS CRM - COOL ROM MANAGER ? CRM is a s

2.47 MB

A shorcut to data usage settings. Disable background data. Useful for coolpad users.

820.11 KB
Compass 2.0

This is a simple compass that points to the magnetic north pole of the earth. The precision of the compass depends on your sensor. Magnets and electri

1.99 MB
Insomnia 4.1

This application prevent the sleep transition. This application stay status-bar. You touch status-bar icon, your device don't sleep mode. If you hate

928.17 KB

Do you know all the breast cancer symptoms? Being informed is an essential step to avoiding becoming another statistic. Breast cancer is the most comm

2.44 MB

OWise is the multi-award-winning health app that helps you to regain control of your life from the first day of a breast cancer diagnosis. OWise gives

4.02 MB
eMyeloma 2.0.14

Medtep eMyeloma is the online platform that helps patients with Multiple Myeloma take the next step towards an improved quality of life. Your daily ro

8.46 MB

One Touch Screen OFF and Lock with Widget Best for Android phone and tablet!You can LOCK and screen OFF android phone with one Touch! Features• One t

2.68 MB

10 APPLOCKERS is the Best applocker which provides 10 types of locks. Protect your apps with password ,pin, knock and more locks.  Applock can lock G

2.64 MB

Child Lock - Touch Lock Do you have issues with your baby/toddlers touching your smart phone's screen during movie playback? Do you want to watch some

3.28 MB