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Surah Maryam with Urdu Translation Surah Maryam Listen & Download Surah Maryam Free Full MP3

2.69 MB

Sūrat Maryam (Arabic: سورة مريم‎, "Mary") is the 19th sura (chapter) of the Qur'an and is a Makkan sura with 98 ayat (verses). It is named after Marya

4.74 MB

Sure Rahman Türk Kuran Pak, yani Suresi Ar Rahman çoğu sayın Suresi biri gerektiren İslami bir uygulamadır. Bu güzel tasarlanmış uygulama tam Suresi e

14.52 MB

Surah e Muzammil App is 73rd chapter in Islamic Book: The Holy Quran along with offline audio. This Surah Muzzamil is recited by Shaikh Qari Mishary A

4.24 MB

This Surah has 20 verses and it is placed at number 73 in Quran, this is a Makki Surah. The first few verses invites the prophet peace be upon him, to

5.98 MB

Surah Al-Waqi'ah ("The Inevitable" or "The Event") is the 56th surah (chapter) of the Quran. It was revealed in Mecca. The total number of verses in t

9.62 MB

Download this app you can listen to Surat Waqiah, surah no 56 of the holy Quran. Surah Al-Waqiah is a Smartphone Application that lets millions of Mus

16.35 MB
iSave 1.6.4

iSave功能類別: 1. 導航 2. 故障預警 3. 檢修服務站 4. S.O.S.緊急電話 5. E代駕 6. 違章查詢 7. 汽車說明書 8. 簡易故障排除 9. 保養紀錄

15.95 MB

Benvenuto in I LOVE UHU il club esclusivo di cartolerie in cui trovare la gamma dei prodotti UHU e la competenza di persone che condividono i valori d

11.06 MB

Surah al-waqiah Surah waqiha is developed to help of all Muslims, so they can read it on their own smartphones .This app is translate into Urdu and mo

22.67 MB

Surah Al-Waqiah adalah surah yang ke -56 di dalam Al-Quran, terletak pada juzuk ke 27 dan terdiri dari 96 ayat. Dinamakan Al-Waqiah kerana diambil dar

11.74 MB

Surat Yasin MP3 merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang menampilkan ayat-ayat dari surat Yasin beserta terjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Selain itu dilengkapi

13.46 MB

관광버스회사에서 사용하는 승무원을 위한 버스배차앱 입니다. ---- 개발자 연락처 : (주)정보넷 앱개발 기술연구소 Tel. 1522-8762 (Korea) 서울시 마포구 월드컵북로 396(상암동) 누리꿈스퀘어 연구개발타워 1010

22.99 MB

Gosmart is an application develop to accomodate multiple GPS device into single web based platform. We provide solution for customers to integrate the

2.08 MB

Сургажит өгүүллэг Шүлэг Амьдралын зөвлөгөө Богино өгүүллэг зэргийг багтаасан. Мөн хэрэглэгч өөрөө бүх төрлийн шүлэг зөвлөгөө оруулах боломжтой Байнга

10.71 MB

Surah Al-Mulk opens the twenty ninth part (juz’) of the Holy Qur’an. The Chapter, revealed in Mecca, has thirty Verses. Another designation of the Cha

13.24 MB

Surah Al-Mulk with Translation provides you the surah al-mulk with Urdu and English translation with audio of Qari sudais. Surah mulk is very importan

5.16 MB

سورة الملك من دون تطبيق للإنترنت هو تطبيق مفيد جدا لأولئك الذين يرغبون في سماع القرآن صوتيا دون إنترنت كامل مع جودة عالية حيث يمكننا حفظ والاستماع الى

5.9 MB

Connectez vous, trouver les joueurs proches, défiez les, et allez remporter vos matchs !

7.35 MB

Surah Al Mulk is very famous surah of Al-Quran. This application is made for the convenience of those who want to listen or recite this Surah with Eng

6.02 MB