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Meteogram Weather Widget

Fix forecast detail issue (12H format). Fix some UI colors

4.12 MB

25.33 MB

WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF BRIGHTON Brighton adalah platform properti masa kini yang menjawab setiap kebutuhan Anda dalam properti. Sebagai Digital Real

46.7 MB

★★ Elementique Senior – My tablet and smartphone become friendly and intuitive! ★★ Elementique Senior is a set of applications specially designed for

5.37 MB


21.01 MB

Now you can send emails, post Facebook updates and send messages on Whatsapp in Hindi using the Lipikaar Hindi Keyboard. How to type in Hindi(हिन्दी)

9.9 MB
Mylio 22.0.7491

See the Mylio.com website for specific details on this release.

28.06 MB
PRO ERP 1.0.7

POS added Task UI and project updates and Project UI updates In App Updates

24.54 MB

Persisted search icons to all 5 tabs ⚙️ Added brand auto-suggest to frames/framesets Added missing Negotiable state to crypto prices Fixed currency

9.24 MB

New Flashcards added. Small improvements and bug fixes have done. Thank you for your positive feedback and reviews.

7.2 MB

1. New 50 Model Test Added 2. More Subject Wise MCQ Added 2. Bug Fix 3. Reduce Ads

18.02 MB

Service Stabilization

21.52 MB
HOVER 4.54.0

HOVER transforms smartphone photos of any home to a fully measured, customizable 3D model. Simply follow the prompts to take a few photos of the house

28.53 MB
dIGIPLEX 1.0.98

11.21 MB

Yer yuzida odamzot paydo bo‘libdiki, unga uyqu hokimdir. Uxlaganda esa tush ko‘rmay iloji yo‘q. Uyg‘onganda esa tushi dan qattiq ta’sirlanadi, oqibati

8.84 MB

Throught SmartTouch Menu® you can display restaurant digital menu and order your favourite food and drinks with your own smartphone. Quickly, with no

5.89 MB
Benzuber 1.17.0

BENZUBER is an innovative payment service. This is a mobile app for refueling a car without leaving the car. The service allows you to pay for and car

65.13 MB

Whistle ringtones is an app with over 50 different whistle sounds. In the application you can set the sound as a ringtone, notification or alarm sound

17.41 MB

WeRyou vous permet de gagner de l'argent simplement, en réalisant des missions rapides et amusantes, à l'aide de votre smartphone dans les magasins pr

10.76 MB
ZANDERmobile 3.78.0

Das erste Halbjahr 2022 ist nun fast vorbei und wir wollen wissen, wie Sie die Zusammenarbeit mit der ZANDER-GRUPPE wahrgenommen haben. Wir arbeiten s

13.72 MB