20433 APKの合計 ダウンロード 最新バージョン

Die beste Schul-App für Schüler, Lehrkräfte und Eltern: Stundenplan, Hausaufgabenheft, Infozettel, Dateien und vieles mehr in einer App! Das beste: al

19.45 MB
Recite 2.0.41

Recite provides Quran recital validation anytime, anywhere. Submit your recitals anonymously to be validated and corrected by credible Quran teachers.

13.84 MB
PiCards 0.10.40

piCards lets you conduct instant feedback sessions in your classroom to assess comprehension levels among students immediately after teaching a topic.

18.31 MB

With the Laugh & Learn™ Animal Sounds app, babies are encouraged to learn about animal names and the sounds animals make through interaction with enga

19.81 MB

NOTE: This application access is restricted to Sunrise International Nursery & Preschool parents. Key Features: ------------------ * Keeping you up to

29.84 MB

Dear App Users, Welcome to this exclusive mobile-based self-learning experience! This app is part of the unique assisted learning methodology that Eng

42.98 MB

Ryan Parent Portal provides communication app for Ryan parents using which they can download school announcements, Class assignments, Events.

93.66 MB

Hanuman chalisa book on play store with Images.Hanuman chalisa written in odiya language.

6.82 MB
英文GoGoGo 1.5.4

龍騰獨家!!! 全台第一支搭配教科書/參考書的手機應用程式 ─「英文GoGoGo」已正式上架了! 即日起可在Google Play商店免費下載使用。 本App收錄龍騰版高中、高職全六冊英文教科書,以及高中總參「圖破字彙力」、高職總參「I See!單字書」內容,並提供三大功能: 1. 課文隨身聽 →中

13.72 MB
Daradji 4.1

Avec l'application DARADJI, vous pouvez avoir les heures de prière du Sénégal de chaque semaine. Apprenez les 99 noms d'Allah, Des invocations, Les 40

11.34 MB

대한민국 수학 완전학습 !! 설명할 수 없으면, 제대로 이해한 것이 아닙니다. 학습 현장에서 사용하는 학습 전용앱입니다. (학습용 홈페이지 회원만 이용가능) - 학습과정 및 학습 단계를 한번의 터치로 학습 진도 관리 - 학습시 스마트폰과 태블릿PC에서 QR코드 인식 기

23.86 MB

אפליקציית ״זמני השבת״ תציג לכם את זמני כניסה ויציאת השבת בלמעלה מ-140 ערים ישובים וקיבוצים ברחבי הארץ, כולל זמני רבנו תם. כל מה שנשאר לכם זה להכנס ולח

31.97 MB

FunEasyLearn is the easy and fun new way to learn Arabic - whether you like listening music from other countries, travelling abroad, working for an in

86.52 MB

[When to Use] Do you have the experience that your kids do not listen to you? You have to say the same things many times, such as "Put your stuff away

82.04 MB
Byndr 2.2.3

With Byndr, learning is now mobile! Get connected to your college, and access everything related to your courses. Teachers administer their courses wi

6.19 MB

Expressions en créole réunionnais pour mobile by Lo Pol Du créole à écouter et du français à écouter et répéter Expressions in Reunionese Creole for

13.06 MB

This cybersecurity certification is an elite way to demonstrate your knowledge, advance your career and become a member of a community of cybersecurit

12.01 MB

This is educational app, you will learn knowledge about freelancing in fiverr here I will share tips and tricks in this app for improving your sales a

2.76 MB

Computer/ICT Past Papers - Past Questions Computer/ICT Necta Past Papers App, past Questions (with some answered questions) Available Pastpapers: O le

2.65 MB

『解惑通』-線上解惑平台APP 升學唯一專家-『學習王-萬試通數位學習系統』的線上解惑APP上線囉! 在大家引頸期盼下,萬試通推出『解惑通』線上解題平台的APP。是否曾經想過竟然會有補教名師可以親自為你的學習問題做解答?『解惑通』為你做到了,『解惑通』聯合線上一流補教名師及各名校醫科生組成的輔導老師

49.42 MB