20433 APKの合計 ダウンロード 最新バージョン

A lot of information about Accounting Basics. The Accounting Equation The Balance Sheet Double Entry Bookkeeping Profit and Loss account Reporting Per

4.69 MB

Ứng dụng gồm đầy đủ 450 câu hỏi dùng cho sát hạch, cấp giấy phép lái xe gplx cơ giới đường bộ giúp các bạn chuẩn bị thi bằng lái xe máy và xe ô tô có

49.92 MB
School Agenda 3.15.2

School Agenda is a handy app for students of all ages that was designed to help you organize your career as a student and have everything under contro

5.62 MB

The official Android App of MP Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) now at your finger tips. An android app specially designed to access from anywhere

5.42 MB
GeoGebra Geometry 5.0.573.0

Easily construct triangles, drag points, draw parallel lines, intersect circles, save and share your results. Millions of people around the world use

14.62 MB

Cxxdroid is the most easy to use educational C and C++ IDE for Android. Features: - Offline C/C++ compiler: no Internet is required to run C/C++ progr

45.73 MB
Xam idea 2.3.5

Xam idea is a comprehensive exam preparation system for secondary and senior classes. It is strictly according to the latest revised CBSE syllabi and

25.95 MB
Teno 23.1.2

Teno, the most widely used free school app in India, facilitates school communication, online school fee payments, and digital school attendance. It's

25.97 MB
Skippy 1.20.0

✓ Skippy is the time-saving player mainly designed for informative YouTube videos. ✓ With Skippy, an ordinary 20-minute TED talk only takes 3 minutes

32.54 MB

'School Mitr' helps you to practice and manage your day to day learning. This app is developed as per Gujarat Government Primary Schools Curriculum, h

7.13 MB
Parho Punjab 4.9.7

As per decisions taken by the Government of Punjab GOP and School Education Department SED, all the Public Schools of Punjab will be self reporting th

7.06 MB
Paint 1.2.0

This app comes with a Painting,Drawing and Coloring tools .Pick your colors and start drawing and painting with your finger when done, you can save an

3.27 MB

Use the MIT AI2 Companion to help Develop your very own Android Applications using MIT App Inventor. You can learn more at http://ai2.appinventor.mit.

15.44 MB
Mermaids 13.6.0

Mermaids are the most fantastic and beautiful princesses of the ocean. Come in and enjoy the mermaid painting and drawing salon. In this free coloring

43.54 MB
Merhaba Umut 2.0.3

Merhaba Umut, anadili Arapça olan, uzun ya da kısa süreli Türkiye’de yaşayacakların iletişim ihtiyaçlarına çare oluyor! Merhaba Umut uygulaması ile Tü

109.68 MB

What if American English vocabulary learning would be a crazy fun game instead of boring memorisation drills? Drops makes language learning an effort

27.58 MB

⭐⭐⭐Best study time management app recognized by users⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐FLIP can improve your study habits in a short period!⭐⭐⭐ If you can't pay attention to you

60.46 MB

The ZoeMob Family Locator is a very accurate cell phone tracker service to monitor your family with GPS tracking technology. A safe way to track the l

15.04 MB

La aplicación más efectiva para aprender inglés. 5 ejercicios efectivos máximos para la memorización y cursos únicos en línea. Una aplicación educativ

36.39 MB

【蒙恬筆】是專為 Android 手機/平板裝置所設計的中文手寫輸入法,提供書寫格及全螢幕書寫模式,讓您可以自在地手寫輸入中文、英文、數字,並提供候選字、聯想詞、常用符號、語音輸入及各種常用中文鍵盤等功能,大幅提高您的文字輸入效率及順暢性。 [Lite版本] Lite版本提供以下限制 - 免費提供3

13.76 MB