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Persyst Mobile

This application is an extension of the Persyst system that allows the user to monitor and review EEG and Trends as well as receive notifications.

18.65 MB
CKD PD 15.1.003

CKD Pro application for health information recordings. Appropriate for general population, diabetes, hypertension and chronic kidney disease patients.

20.22 MB
Fabz Fit 7.33.0

With the Fabz Fit App, you can start tracking your workouts and meals, measuring results, and start achieving your fitness goals, along with the help

29.6 MB

國興中醫秉持著「仁醫仁術,視病如親」的關懷,為鄉親服務,醫師看診仔細,診所服務讓病人感受很溫暖、有溫馨、有人情味的好地方,並著重高品質的專業服務。 本診所特色:傷科推拿,皆由醫師親自操作,療程中任何疑問或治療成效都可在第一時間與醫師反應或討論。特殊專業醫術對病症的成效斐然。對於內科雜病、婦科、神經免

47.29 MB

ABOUT GURAH Gurah is a way to clean and remove dirty mucus that is poisonous and contains a lot disease, the way is by dripping gurah concoctions into

4.28 MB

Organise your medication the smart way and take control of your daily medications. By taking the stress and confusion out of managing multiple medicat

20.62 MB
Sadhguru 7.1.0

Connect with Sadhguru and Isha on your mobile with the official Sadhguru App! Through automatic notifications, you can read the latest articles by Sad

35.58 MB
JD Training 3.8.5

You do all the online training you find and none of them gives you results, does it? Do you know why? Because these workouts were not designed for YOU

3.32 MB

Download the The Ring Boxing SG App today to plan and schedule your classes! From this mobile App you can view class schedules, sign-up for classes, v

30.73 MB
Easy Anatomy 1.6.1

With Easy anatomy you are sure to learn anatomy In the app you will find an anatomical atlas with more than 10 000 flashcards, anatomical articles and

63.49 MB
UMC Care 2.2.0

Patients at University Hospital of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City can use these functions. - View frequently asked questions. - Follow up m

47.31 MB
CA Brive 4.12.116

Installez l'application officielle du CA Brive sur votre smartphone ! Toute l’actualité du club de Rugby, participez à des jeux, gagnez des points et

20.12 MB
Medico 1.0.2

Medico is an application that provides access to useful information on health in Côte d'Ivoire and around the world!

22.02 MB
DexBee TV 1.35.17

Displaying workouts in the gym on a TV or tablet screen

17.51 MB

This app is compatible with Android OS 6.0 or higher that supports Bluetooth LE. By connecting the app to 1POT device via bluetooth, you can control t

37.92 MB

We have prepared for you a 30-day workout plan, as well as a set of exercises that help create the perfect training for you. Following the training pl

11.45 MB

The app offers comprehensive self-service tool for a wide range of hospital services to patients.The app allows the patient to manage their appointmen

38.4 MB

zoom livescore is designed to deliver real time soccer update and live events of virtual soccer and fantasy football. the virtual football matches whi

14.47 MB
Optima Health 7.11.3

The Optima Health mobile app is a secure, convenient, and easy way to access important health plan information on demand – wherever and whenever you n

12.89 MB

MO Health Andhra Pradesh by APHMFW (Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department, Andhra Pradesh)

29.33 MB