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21268 APKの合計 ダウンロード 最新バージョン
BlueDental 1.4.1

Bluedental is everything your clinic needs to manage appointments and keep your finances in order. And also for you patient, who can have access to al

4.68 MB

My Dental Wig is patented and FDA registered, easy process, no pain technology, making My Dental Wig the #1 and only full mobile missing teeth replace

11.97 MB
SDBM 1.0

Simple data input from your front office (takes less than 5 minutes a day) gives you the Doctor key practice indicator information which will assist y

2.41 MB

Dra Zenaide Patrícia Bites - ortodontista em Valparaíso de Goiás. Centro Odontológico, Dentista em Valparaíso de Goiás na etapa A Quadra 26.

2.76 MB
MIH Molar 1.0.8

The MIH Molar app, created by Universidad de Chile-Faculty of Dentistry, is an interactive, educational app about Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MI

32.62 MB

Endodontic treatment of necrotic immature permanent tooth has long represented a challenge for practitioners because of the immaturity of the apex whi

10.97 MB

Due to the increasing number of the people interested on dentistry,we feel in the obligation of providing information about the latest scientific deve

9.13 MB
Abioticbox 1.8.0

Abioticbox is a 3Clicks application for Healthcare Professionals. Abioticbox offers quick and intuitive access to medical knowledge in diagnostics, tr

3.88 MB

This is a full Test Bank with all what you need to become an expert in pharmacology. To Become an expert in Pharmacology, GET Exam Quiz & practical ca

3.66 MB
Tetra Health 2.5.1

THC is California’s premier medical marijuana recommendation clinic.Our cannabis doctors are licensed, professionals and adhere to all federal and sta

11.4 MB

OphthoSim Companion is the perfect app to learn about the normal eye and related pathologies. It was created as a companion to the OphthoSim Simulator

10.8 MB

The AIOS was established in the year 1930. It is a registered Society under the Society's Registration Act of 1860. We have at present above 15,000 Me

407.96 KB
ICO Exams 1.2.1

ICO Exams is a mobile knowledge quiz for medical students, allied health professionals and doctors preparing for their exams. Test your knowledge whi

16.27 MB

Desenvolvido para São João da Boa Vista e cidades da Região. Aplicativo sobre rotinas institucionais da Santa Casa e utilidade pública. - Reforma da M

7.87 MB

This Cholera disease app have complete information of disease. A bacterial disease causing severe diarrhea and dehydration, usually spread in water. T

2.33 MB

Connecting Kids With Care is a free app and telemedicine platform, which creates a secure video connection (like Facetime or Skype) from your charity

10.74 MB

I also know that you want to learn how to protect from incontinence, manage incontinence problems and choosing the right supplies to manage incontinen

8.1 MB

This app will shows the information about Low Testosterone Symptoms. Best comprehensive overview covers the symptoms and treatment of Low Testosterone

5.94 MB

تعرف علي أكثر من 600 سبب لاضطرابات النوم وحلولها بدون انترنت 5 أشياء تضبط ساعة نوم طفلك فوائد القيلولة كيفية علاج عدم النوم ماذا تسبب قلة النوم ماهي أ

6.48 MB

Want to know more about hidradenitis suppurativa? Or maybe you have the condition, and you want to know the most common hidradenitis suppurativa treat

2.43 MB