ホーム > 健康&フィットネス

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「3不5時健康及時」,讓健康管理更清楚、更智慧,更有趣,進而達到自我照顧,健康一生。 主題分六大類:運動篇、飲食篇、衛教篇、控管篇、資訊篇與分享篇。 1) 健康計步器,每日可適度、適時運動規劃。 2) 血糖、糖化血色素量測紀錄,數據可儲存及圖表化歷史趨勢。 3) 用藥管理紀錄,避免重複用藥,可提供就

2.65 MB

What Is Arthritis? Arthritis is very common but is not well understood. Actually, “arthritis” is not a single disease; it is an informal way of referr

6.37 MB

我的生活日誌:以圖表顯示健康數據趨勢。 我的管理工具:記錄健康數據,包括體重、血壓、血糖、運動、體温、心情。 我的行動計劃:要“真”健康,就要“堅”行動,每週定立行動計劃,對健康作出承諾。 我的醫療紀錄:自己嘅事,自己記錄,隨時可以查閱自己嘅醫療資料。 我的每日備忘:提你見醫生、食藥、度血糖。 我的

7.91 MB
Pilates 1.0

If you like Pilates and you want to learn it ,this application will help you . Like Yoga,bikram yoga,meditation,reiki and tai chi properly taught and

2.62 MB

Family Health Record is a platform to record all healthcare information for your family. It helps to converts paper records such as your doctor’s pres

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9.71 MB

雲智健康達人 App 讓您可以與雅柏斯藍牙活力計結合而成為健康管理的利器.。 藍牙活力計是同時具有藍牙BLE以及USB連接功能的個人活動量監視器。 當藍牙活力計單獨使用時, 它會連續追蹤並記錄使用者每日的活動量。 當藍牙活力計連接在雅柏斯血壓計或是體重計上的USB接口時, 藍牙活力計成為血壓計或是體

1.72 MB

Aroma Diffuser App is designed for Bluetooth 4.0 supported smart devices, used to control "Ellestfun" Smart Aroma Diffusers' operation, including Auto

13.25 MB

★ Nagomi-chan health souvenir ★ It is healthy omikukuji of official character "Nomogami" of 300,000 copies health information magazine "Yuwa". You can

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Natural healing is holistic healing. It is a process by which a person's health is restored in the most natural way without the use of conventional me

6.74 MB

Tandava the divine art form, is a dance performed by the god Shiva.This application plays the tandav music and presents the dance of light for meditat

1.78 MB

ダイエットについてのクイズです。 ダイエットについての資格があるのをご存知ですか? “Diet”という英語の本来の意味は、健康や体重管理を目的とした食事療法であり、減量そのものを指す単語ではありません。 一方で日本における“ダイエット”とは、ある意味誤訳された和製英語であり、体重を減らすこと、あるい

6.28 MB

Many people don't know the amount of fat they are eating. This app let you know how much of saturated and mono-unsaturated fats contained in some of t

1.35 MB
Spa 3.7.4

Download the Clinikal Magick App today to plan and schedule your spa appointments with your favorite practitioners. With Services from Reiki, Acupunct

7.06 MB

What is dental and hygiene care? Dental and hygiene care is the maintenance of healthy teeth and may refer to: Oral hygiene, the practice of keeping t

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ISTARSKA RIVIJERA is the oldest international tennis tournament in Croatia with an old, 43 years long tradition (since 1972). As a series of five ITF

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HOO BAKU 2015 1.17.1

Hrvatski olimpijski odbor http://www.hoo.hr/ donosi vam informacije o nastupu vrhunskih hrvatskih sportaša na prvim Europskim igrama u Bakuu od 12. do

8.97 MB

It is suitable for players of any level, including recreational players and beginners. It's a helpful tool for coaches and young players who are just

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Wouldn’t it be great to get a good night of rest again… and to sleep in the same bed as your partner? Imagine the smile on their face when you wake up

6.74 MB

Welcome to Pranic Healer Music 7 Chakras, the app that will aid you during your chakra balancing meditation and your moments of deep relaxation and he

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