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Essential app for couples! Check how long you have been with your lover at a glance. How long have you been with your lover? Celebrate your anniversar

80.83 MB

Prevent intrusions before they happen through a connected, simple and intuitive security solution! From the Somfy Protect Application, you can: —Insta

18.1 MB

9.9 MB
Tarot Cards 3.0.2

* Added New Tarot and Horoscope Features* Daily Tarot Daily Horoscope Weekly Horoscope Monthly Horoscope Yearly Horoscope Bug Fixed

4.99 MB

We update the Mulberrys app as often as possible to make it more reliable for you and make the experience even easier. We crushed some bugs and made a

23.23 MB
Hair Cuttery 4.1.16

Our latest update improves the overall functionality by fixing bugs that previously caused errors for some users. New features also include the abilit

5.73 MB

100室內設計 - 新家設計 老屋翻新 設計圖庫 案例解讀 裝潢屋主最愛用的室內設計APP,雙平台累積安裝次數超過45萬次 【設計圖庫】 超強的室內設計圖庫,經過編輯部嚴選,收錄了1500多個專業設計師的設計案例,還在陸續增加中…… 1、按設計風格查找,簡約風|北歐風|工業風|鄉村風|美式風|現代風

40.98 MB

Al Durra International For Food Industries is a large company in the field of food, it comes with various set of products such as: Jams, Halva, Olives

87.89 MB
교촌치킨 1.2.9

정성을 다하는 치킨, 교촌치킨입니다. 새로워진 교촌주문앱으로 편리한 주문과 다양한 멤버십 혜택을 경험하세요! 1) 편리한 주문 기능 - 전국 교촌치킨 배달/포장 주문 가능 - 모바일 상품권 등록 및 결제 기능 ※ 온라인 주문 가능 시간 - 매일 12시부터 23시까지 (

28.84 MB

Nothing has changed, just resolved a few bumps with SDK’s to ensure better performance.

22.32 MB
Cardiograph 4.1.5

Cardiograph is an application which measures your heart rate. You can save your results for future reference and keep track of multiple people with in

5.17 MB

Communities by C Space allows community members to receive push notifications alerting them of newly-available activities to participate in and enable

100.58 MB
RappiShopper 6.46.20220517.21728

With RappiShopper you will pick fruits, vegetables and thousands of products faster and with more accuracy, also you will have new tools to do a bette

82.07 MB

【アプリに関する不具合やご意見は以下までお問い合わせください】 https://app.recipe-blog.jp/contact/form 日本最大のお料理ブログのポータルサイト「レシピブログ」のスマートフォンアプリ。山本ゆりさん(syunkonカフェごはん、しゅんこんカフェ) 、みきママさん(

5.44 MB

2022/05/19【ver.3.0.17】 ・軽微な修正を行いました。 いつもE・レシピをご利用いただきありがとうございます。 アプリの感想や機能に対するご要望など、レビュー頂けると嬉しいです。 ※不具合などございましたら、アプリ内の[ メニュー→アプリについて→不具合ご報告 ]からご連絡ください

23.08 MB

献立が簡単に作れるから「何作ろう?」がなくなる! 買い物リストも自動作成で買い物もラクラク! 材料使い切りで節約! ◆ドコモも認めた!コンテストでグランプリ受賞 ◆お客様の声「無駄な材料も買わなくて済むしとっても助かります」「献立を決めるのが苦痛だったので、こういったサービスは大変助かります」「マン

20.42 MB

Combos na HOME, descrições de produtos.

25.25 MB

7.59 MB

86.75 MB

【作りたい!が見つかるレシピ動画アプリ】 SNSファン数No.1!国内最大の料理動画 DELISH KITCHEN! DELISH KITCHENでは、毎日の食事に役立つレシピ動画を毎日お届けしています。 掲載しているレシピは、管理栄養士、調理師、料理研究家をはじめとする食の専門家が作ったオリジナル

10.75 MB