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75465 APKの合計 ダウンロード 最新バージョン

THE HUNTING DIARY Deermapper is the hunting diary to document your hunting events. Manage Manage your observations and shootings in an easy and effici

78.25 MB

Provides data to Treebolic visualization from data derived from the File System. Not all directories will be readable because of the system's protecti

3.26 MB

Provides data to Treebolic visualization from data in DOT format. Typically the file is generated by Treebolic Studio (http://treebolic.sourceforge.ne

4.18 MB

Important notes: - Cymatics, Tonoscope or Chladni plate visualizations are custom and shouldn't be compared with real metal etc. Real behavior is limi

2.83 MB

NOM is nothing but app icons and a scrolling home screen. The background is dimmed, and the status bar and navigation bar are translucent. Aside from

1.44 MB

Die Entleerungstermine für Papier-, Restmüll- und Biotonne stehen an – doch wann waren die nochmal genau? Nie mehr Müllabfuhrtermine verpassen mit der

3.2 MB
ECO Solar 5.8

ECO Solar APP can monitor your solar charger, which show PV/Battery/Load status. There are two modes for communication, Local & Cloud. Cloud mode can

4.92 MB
tu gurú 1.0.148

App exclusiva para clientes de Gurú Soluciones, donde podrás conectarte con tus clientes de manera rápida y sencilla: - Responder sus consultas por e-

11.53 MB

Flash Express เป็นบริษัทที่ให้บริการจัดส่งสินค้าภายในประเทศได้อย่างรวดเร็วและปลอดภัย เพื่อตอบสนองความต้องการของลูกค้าบุคคลและลูกค้าธุรกิจ คุณสามารถใช้

21.92 MB
ZDHVR 1.3.5

ZDHVR is a professional mobile remote video surveillance software Good operating experience With this software you can easily remote control your IPC

28.84 MB

The Trophy Wine Show is South Africa’s premier wine competition that recognises the top local wines and winemakers, and honours excellence in the wine

12.58 MB

18.62 MB


13.18 MB

It indicates clearly the direction in the Japanese display. North, south, east and west as well as to display the direction you are facing a terminal

17.1 MB
Inka 1.2.60

Bundeling is een exclusieve netwerktool waar Businessclubs en zakelijke netwerken haar voordeel mee kunnen doen. Bundeling brengt de leden dichter bij

29.4 MB
Braip 2.13

A Primeira plataforma de afiliados especializada em produtos físicos. Com a Braip é fácil vender, comprar e indicar compradores online de maneira rápi

29.58 MB

Sonik Força de Vendas é voltado para vendedores de vendas externas de empresas que já são clientes da Sonik Tecnologia. Sonik Sales Force is geared

34.38 MB

My Shape - OVG é uma app inovadora totalmente Portuguesa que vem revolucionar o atual modo de prescrição e acompanhamento do treino de Musculação e Ca

45.84 MB
GrammarScope 2.34signed

Parses sentences and analyses their syntactic structures (in the form of labelled dependencies). Based on Google's SyntaxNet natural language understa

48.6 MB
GrammarScope UDPipe 2.34signed

Parses sentences and analyses their syntactic structures (in the form of labelled dependencies). Based on UDPipe machine learning framework. This depe

42.92 MB