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75465 APKの合計 ダウンロード 最新バージョン
AKT Profiles 1.4.1

2.56 MB

2.08 MB

Simple is beautiful.简单、小巧、快速、专注 Simple, Tiny, Fastest, Focused打造令您无法离开Android平台的、自定义设置最丰富的短信拦截。小巧强大的拦截垃圾短信软件(彩信拦截,Wap Push推送拦截),具有8种拦截规则,过滤各种干扰码短信,详尽

381.75 KB

8.63 MB
icon 1.1.1

The critically acclaimed sequel to the smash hit Dark Nebula HD - Episode 1! Tilt your vessel to blaze through exciting levels where you must avoid d

48.82 MB

This app allows you to access system settings that are concealed or realized by manufacturers.Due to system settings are os-version- and vendor-depen

1.96 MB
腾讯桌面 7.0.2

新版特性 腾讯桌面即将重生。 在升级之后,您的桌面数据将会被重置,请您谨慎升级。 我们给您带来: ·全新的精致优雅图标和界面 ·全新的桌面布局和交互 ·新增智能语音助手 ·新增全新高清图标,为大屏高清手机做适配 ·新增动态日历和时钟图标

6.51 MB

Tunnel Vision is an experiment that lets you record your surroundings through a collection of transformative filters. Each filter can be pinched or pa

10.09 MB

788.3 KB

Simply open the app and it will begin scanning the area. You will receive a continually updated view of the available WiFi channels' usage. Click on a

4.14 MB
淘工作 1.1.0

18.97 MB
aCalculator 3.4.0

This is a fully featured scientific calculator which looks and operates like a real one. aCalculator includes the following features:- Highly featured

590.54 KB
重声 1.5.1

12.89 MB

Shadow Running is a GPS based, audio running App. Race against previous runs or compete with friends in daily challenges. Plug in your headphones and

23.83 MB
360影视 1.1.0

8.96 MB
Rainpaper 1.4.1

Rainpaper is a live wallpaper that displays realistic weather effects and popular backgrounds from reddit.★ Realistic simulated rain! Not a low-qualit

5.75 MB

|・ω・`)没什么好说的,给你们拿去截图玩别问我为什么只支持5.0,因为Material Design大法好,我也不想加支持库目前仅支持简体中文和英语,如果你熟知其他语言,可以联系我添加翻译文本|・ω・`)

39.79 KB
寻觅 2.1.0

1.52 MB
AOKP Backup 2.2.3

**** YOU MUST BE RUNNING AOKP TO USE THIS APPLICATION****You must be on at least AOKP Milestone 5 (4.0.4) to make a backup. Old versions are unsupport

1.05 MB
GOIN 1.0.6

11.97 MB