* 英文發音,中英文對照。
每月20日發刊,請直接在本軟體內購買(Google Play之In-app Purchase機制),購買後建議使用Wi-Fi下載,以加快下載速度,節省時間與金錢。
每期雜誌 NT$90 /含講解課程 NT$190
◆◆◆本產品由空中英語教室與曉騰國際( Mebook) 共同開發。
大家說英語的主題包羅萬象, 含蓋了購物、旅遊、交通、辦公室對話、天氣、節日、休閒活動、家居生活、交友及美國文化等, 以生活實用會話為單元, 採輕鬆活潑方式編輯, 並配合廣播、電視、網路播出, 以短劇、音樂、動畫等方式同步教學, 提供基礎的語彙與技巧, 讓讀者使用簡單的字就能說漂亮的英語,
2001年, 大家說英語從二千六百本同類型雜誌中, 脫潁而出, 成為唯一榮獲新聞局推薦的中學英語雜誌。
如今, 大家說英語仍是民眾學習日常英語的不二選擇。
不僅能幫助您輕鬆開口說英語, 更提供許多實用的英語語彙與技巧, 讓您用簡單的單字就能說一口漂亮英語。
* 學習功能:
1. 互動學習模式,快速提昇你的英語力。
2. 若有購買課程講解,則可依日期與段落播放講解的內容。
3. 專業英語老師原聲發音,可逐句配合聲音與文字同步學習。
4. 難易度標示:以三個等級標示課文的難易度。
5. 自動朗讀:可鎖定單句或選定(A.B點)範圍循環朗讀。
6. 複讀功能:可設定單句重覆播放朗讀和單句朗讀的次數。
7. 語句間隔:可設定一句與一句間的間隔時間,跟著老師大聲唸。
8. 書籤功能:對需加強復習或欲加以運用的內容,標以書籤,反覆播放練習。
9. 可查看中文翻譯,並提供英/中同步閱讀,以訓練聽、讀、譯能力。
10. 關鍵字搜尋:可輸入關鍵字查詢本雜誌全文,快速找到所要學習的內容。
11. 目錄瀏覽:提供課程目錄,讓你很快進入所要學習的課程內容。
12. 跟讀錄音:跟隨著老師,錄下自己的發音做比對,邊聽邊矯正,鍛鍊口說能力。
13. 文章克漏字:訓練閱讀功力,效果加倍。
14. 重要字彙:文章皆附錄重要單字的發音與解釋。
* 訂閱功能說明:
● 訂閱一年12期雜誌,優惠價 NT$1,790。
● 本訂閱方式是透過您的Google Play帳號確認後才產生正式購買。
● 本訂閱方案採用「自動續訂」計費。
● 本雜誌訂閱提供七天的試閱期。
● 如想取消自動續訂,請至您的Google Play個人帳戶內中「取消」訂閱。
A. 開啟 Google Play 商店 Play 商店。
B. 依序輕觸左上角「選單」圖示 [ 三 ] → [訂閱]。
C. 點選您想取消的訂閱項目。
D. 輕觸 [取消訂閱]。
● 客服聯絡:如對產品有任何想法或建議,或者使用上遭遇問題,都歡迎和我們聯絡-
1. 客服信箱:[email protected]
2. 客服留言板:https://www.mebook.com.tw/Android/SupportTC.asp
3. 客服電話:請於上班時間來電02-77210772轉510
● 服務條款:https://www.mebook.com.tw/common/serviceInAppPurchase.html
● 製作發行:曉騰國際
* English pronunciation, both Chinese and English. Published on the 20th of each month, please purchase directly in this software (Google Play's In-app
Purchase mechanism). After purchase, it is recommended to use Wi-Fi to download to speed up the download speed and save time and money. Each issue of the magazine NT$90 /
with lectures NT$190
-------Subscribe to the one-year magazine and practice the daily English learning plan -------
[Text + Explanation] 12 issues a year for only NT$1,790
*E-book introduction
◆◆◆This product is jointly developed by Air English Classroom and Mebook. ◆◆◆
"Everybody speaks English" magazine provides interactive learning e-books, allowing you to use efficient English learning functions to quickly improve your English skills.
In the interactive learning mode, you can set a variety of personalized learning functions according to your own English level to achieve the most effective learning.
"Everyone Speaks English" is the English magazine with the largest circulation in China. Everyone speaks English with all-encompassing themes, including shopping, travel,
transportation, office conversations, weather, festivals, leisure activities, home life, making friends, and American culture, etc., using daily practical conversations as a
unit, editing in a relaxed and lively way, and cooperating Broadcasting on radio, TV, and Internet. Simultaneous teaching with skits, music, animation, etc., providing basic
vocabulary and skills, allowing readers to speak beautiful English with simple words. It is the best daily English conversation study in China publication.
In 2001, Everyone Speaking English emerged from 2,600 magazines of the same type, becoming the only middle school English magazine recommended by the News Bureau. Nowadays,
speaking English is still the best choice for people to learn everyday English. It not only helps you speak English easily, but also provides many practical English
vocabulary and skills, allowing you to speak beautiful English with simple words.
* Learning function:
1. Interactive learning mode to quickly improve your English ability.
2. If there is a purchased course explanation, the content of the explanation can be played according to the date and paragraph.
3. The professional English teacher's original pronunciation can be synchronized with the voice and the text sentence by sentence.
4. Difficulty indication: indicate the difficulty of the text with three levels.
5. Automatic reading: You can lock a single sentence or select (A.B point) range to read aloud.
6. Repeat function: You can set the number of single sentence repeat playback and single sentence reading.
7. Sentence interval: You can set the interval between one sentence and one sentence, and follow the teacher to read it out loud.
8. Bookmark function: mark the content that needs to be reviewed or used, and play the exercises repeatedly.
9. Can view Chinese translation, and provide English/Chinese simultaneous reading to train listening, reading and translation skills.
10. Keyword search: You can enter keywords to query the full text of the magazine, and quickly find the content you want to learn.
11. Catalog browsing: provide course catalog, let you quickly enter the content of the course you want to learn.
12. Follow-up recording: follow the teacher, record your own pronunciation for comparison, listen and correct, exercise your speaking ability.
13. Missing words in the article: Training reading skills will double the effect.
14. Important vocabulary: The pronunciation and explanation of important words are appended to the article.
* Subscription function description:
● Subscribe to 12 issues of magazines a year at a discounted price of NT$1,790.
● This subscription method is to confirm the formal purchase through your Google Play account.
● This subscription plan uses "automatic renewal" billing.
● This magazine subscription provides a seven-day trial period.
If you cancel the subscription within seven days of the trial, the subscription fee will not be charged.
After the seven-day trial period, the subscription service cannot be cancelled.
Canceling the subscription after the seven-day trial period is to cancel the renewal for the next year.
● If you want to cancel the automatic renewal, please go to "Cancel" the subscription in your Google Play personal account.
A. Open the Google Play Store Play Store.
B. Tap the "Menu" icon in the upper left corner [3] → [Subscribe] in sequence.
C. Tap the subscription item you want to cancel.
D. Touch [Cancel Subscription].
● Customer service contact: If you have any ideas or suggestions about the product, or encounter problems in use, please contact us-
1. Customer service mailbox: [email protected]
2. Customer service message board: https://www.mebook.com.tw/Android/SupportTC.asp
3. Customer service phone: please call 02-77210772 and 510 during office hours
We will serve you wholeheartedly.
● Terms of Service: https://www.mebook.com.tw/common/serviceInAppPurchase.html
● Production and distribution: Xiaoteng International
每月20日發刊,請直接在本軟體內購買(Google Play之In-app Purchase機制),購買後建議使用Wi-Fi下載,以加快下載速度,節省時間與金錢。
每期雜誌 NT$90 /含講解課程 NT$190
◆◆◆本產品由空中英語教室與曉騰國際( Mebook) 共同開發。
大家說英語的主題包羅萬象, 含蓋了購物、旅遊、交通、辦公室對話、天氣、節日、休閒活動、家居生活、交友及美國文化等, 以生活實用會話為單元, 採輕鬆活潑方式編輯, 並配合廣播、電視、網路播出, 以短劇、音樂、動畫等方式同步教學, 提供基礎的語彙與技巧, 讓讀者使用簡單的字就能說漂亮的英語,
2001年, 大家說英語從二千六百本同類型雜誌中, 脫潁而出, 成為唯一榮獲新聞局推薦的中學英語雜誌。
如今, 大家說英語仍是民眾學習日常英語的不二選擇。
不僅能幫助您輕鬆開口說英語, 更提供許多實用的英語語彙與技巧, 讓您用簡單的單字就能說一口漂亮英語。
* 學習功能:
1. 互動學習模式,快速提昇你的英語力。
2. 若有購買課程講解,則可依日期與段落播放講解的內容。
3. 專業英語老師原聲發音,可逐句配合聲音與文字同步學習。
4. 難易度標示:以三個等級標示課文的難易度。
5. 自動朗讀:可鎖定單句或選定(A.B點)範圍循環朗讀。
6. 複讀功能:可設定單句重覆播放朗讀和單句朗讀的次數。
7. 語句間隔:可設定一句與一句間的間隔時間,跟著老師大聲唸。
8. 書籤功能:對需加強復習或欲加以運用的內容,標以書籤,反覆播放練習。
9. 可查看中文翻譯,並提供英/中同步閱讀,以訓練聽、讀、譯能力。
10. 關鍵字搜尋:可輸入關鍵字查詢本雜誌全文,快速找到所要學習的內容。
11. 目錄瀏覽:提供課程目錄,讓你很快進入所要學習的課程內容。
12. 跟讀錄音:跟隨著老師,錄下自己的發音做比對,邊聽邊矯正,鍛鍊口說能力。
13. 文章克漏字:訓練閱讀功力,效果加倍。
14. 重要字彙:文章皆附錄重要單字的發音與解釋。
* 訂閱功能說明:
● 訂閱一年12期雜誌,優惠價 NT$1,790。
● 本訂閱方式是透過您的Google Play帳號確認後才產生正式購買。
● 本訂閱方案採用「自動續訂」計費。
● 本雜誌訂閱提供七天的試閱期。
● 如想取消自動續訂,請至您的Google Play個人帳戶內中「取消」訂閱。
A. 開啟 Google Play 商店 Play 商店。
B. 依序輕觸左上角「選單」圖示 [ 三 ] → [訂閱]。
C. 點選您想取消的訂閱項目。
D. 輕觸 [取消訂閱]。
● 客服聯絡:如對產品有任何想法或建議,或者使用上遭遇問題,都歡迎和我們聯絡-
1. 客服信箱:[email protected]
2. 客服留言板:https://www.mebook.com.tw/Android/SupportTC.asp
3. 客服電話:請於上班時間來電02-77210772轉510
● 服務條款:https://www.mebook.com.tw/common/serviceInAppPurchase.html
● 製作發行:曉騰國際
* English pronunciation, both Chinese and English. Published on the 20th of each month, please purchase directly in this software (Google Play's In-app
Purchase mechanism). After purchase, it is recommended to use Wi-Fi to download to speed up the download speed and save time and money. Each issue of the magazine NT$90 /
with lectures NT$190
-------Subscribe to the one-year magazine and practice the daily English learning plan -------
[Text + Explanation] 12 issues a year for only NT$1,790
*E-book introduction
◆◆◆This product is jointly developed by Air English Classroom and Mebook. ◆◆◆
"Everybody speaks English" magazine provides interactive learning e-books, allowing you to use efficient English learning functions to quickly improve your English skills.
In the interactive learning mode, you can set a variety of personalized learning functions according to your own English level to achieve the most effective learning.
"Everyone Speaks English" is the English magazine with the largest circulation in China. Everyone speaks English with all-encompassing themes, including shopping, travel,
transportation, office conversations, weather, festivals, leisure activities, home life, making friends, and American culture, etc., using daily practical conversations as a
unit, editing in a relaxed and lively way, and cooperating Broadcasting on radio, TV, and Internet. Simultaneous teaching with skits, music, animation, etc., providing basic
vocabulary and skills, allowing readers to speak beautiful English with simple words. It is the best daily English conversation study in China publication.
In 2001, Everyone Speaking English emerged from 2,600 magazines of the same type, becoming the only middle school English magazine recommended by the News Bureau. Nowadays,
speaking English is still the best choice for people to learn everyday English. It not only helps you speak English easily, but also provides many practical English
vocabulary and skills, allowing you to speak beautiful English with simple words.
* Learning function:
1. Interactive learning mode to quickly improve your English ability.
2. If there is a purchased course explanation, the content of the explanation can be played according to the date and paragraph.
3. The professional English teacher's original pronunciation can be synchronized with the voice and the text sentence by sentence.
4. Difficulty indication: indicate the difficulty of the text with three levels.
5. Automatic reading: You can lock a single sentence or select (A.B point) range to read aloud.
6. Repeat function: You can set the number of single sentence repeat playback and single sentence reading.
7. Sentence interval: You can set the interval between one sentence and one sentence, and follow the teacher to read it out loud.
8. Bookmark function: mark the content that needs to be reviewed or used, and play the exercises repeatedly.
9. Can view Chinese translation, and provide English/Chinese simultaneous reading to train listening, reading and translation skills.
10. Keyword search: You can enter keywords to query the full text of the magazine, and quickly find the content you want to learn.
11. Catalog browsing: provide course catalog, let you quickly enter the content of the course you want to learn.
12. Follow-up recording: follow the teacher, record your own pronunciation for comparison, listen and correct, exercise your speaking ability.
13. Missing words in the article: Training reading skills will double the effect.
14. Important vocabulary: The pronunciation and explanation of important words are appended to the article.
* Subscription function description:
● Subscribe to 12 issues of magazines a year at a discounted price of NT$1,790.
● This subscription method is to confirm the formal purchase through your Google Play account.
● This subscription plan uses "automatic renewal" billing.
● This magazine subscription provides a seven-day trial period.
If you cancel the subscription within seven days of the trial, the subscription fee will not be charged.
After the seven-day trial period, the subscription service cannot be cancelled.
Canceling the subscription after the seven-day trial period is to cancel the renewal for the next year.
● If you want to cancel the automatic renewal, please go to "Cancel" the subscription in your Google Play personal account.
A. Open the Google Play Store Play Store.
B. Tap the "Menu" icon in the upper left corner [3] → [Subscribe] in sequence.
C. Tap the subscription item you want to cancel.
D. Touch [Cancel Subscription].
● Customer service contact: If you have any ideas or suggestions about the product, or encounter problems in use, please contact us-
1. Customer service mailbox: [email protected]
2. Customer service message board: https://www.mebook.com.tw/Android/SupportTC.asp
3. Customer service phone: please call 02-77210772 and 510 during office hours
We will serve you wholeheartedly.
● Terms of Service: https://www.mebook.com.tw/common/serviceInAppPurchase.html
● Production and distribution: Xiaoteng International
- 07/11/2021: 大家說英語 4.5.1
- Report a new version
- ソフトウェアの名称: 大家說英語
- ソフトウェアカテゴリ: 教育
- APK名: tw.com.mebook.googlelt_retail
- 最新バージョン: 4.5.1
- サポートROM: 4.4 以上
- ファイルサイズ : 13.85 MB
- 更新した: 2021-07-11