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**請注意,首次創建角色并進入遊戲后,將開啟【邊玩邊下載】功能,會自動下載約500M的遊戲資料,請確認當前網路環境后,再進行首次遊戲。 《永恆紛爭:光明與秩序》是一款可以實時激戰的史詩級MMRPG,擁有龐大的故事背景,極具特色的任務劇情。遊戲中裝備道具完全自由打造,自由貿易,毫無拘束;勢力戰、攻城戰

26.66 MB

Did you ever go to a dark forest? It was scary? And now imagine that in the forest you have to survive for several days, and maybe weeks. You need to

92.23 MB
超神學院 1.0.1

黑暗降臨,天使、惡魔、饕餮紛至沓來;秩序、混亂、虛空接踵而至;人類正面臨前所未有的恐懼與迷茫,但,“人一直可以自己選擇,標準可不是神定的”,這是一個需要英雄而非神的時代! 加入超神學院,成為地球的戰士,去捍衛我們的文明、榮譽與信仰! ——遊戲特色—— 【還原動漫 致敬經典】 遊戲充分尊重動漫原創內容

41.46 MB
e-Fanorona 4.7.0

Le Fanorona est le jeu de plateau traditionnel Malgache. C'est un jeu de stratégie auquel on initiait les rois, dès leur plus jeune âge. Cette deuxièm

24.82 MB

《契约の剑娘》是一款二次元宅男妄想手游,以架空的异世界战国拉开庞大的剧情体系,名刀利剑全都萌娘化,等待主上来收集养成!知名画师操刀立绘,创造二次元日系和风唯美世界; 【日系二次元】为了给主上大人们带来原汁原味的游戏体验,《契约の剑娘》在人物立绘及场景上采用大量日系和风元素,让你游戏的同时领略日本的本

89.33 MB

PREMIUM VERSION : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.revampedpro.theslimekingtowerpremium · Ad-free. · Doesn't require an internet conn

38.75 MB

Relax under the mood, play a simple, fun, creative little game, do exercises for your brain, happiness is so simple! [game introduction] *** A clean s

32.04 MB

Collect, train and befriend legions of Neolympia Heroes. Duel players from around the world in new Match-3 Arenas. Climb to the top and become GODLIKE

88.82 MB
WeaponGo 1.6

Get the job done in 30 seconds. Tic Toc! Ready to Go? Fun Facts ◆ Every play is limited for 30 seconds ◆ Every weapon has its own fantasticness ◆ Coll

23.68 MB
Brick Wizard 2.0.0

Join our hero on a quest through the realm of the Ancients; Break the bricks, rescue trapped creatures and save the land from chaos! Help him to learn

45.72 MB

Audio Game Hub 2.0 introduces 4 new games to the award winning Audio Game Hub with a fresh instalment of new features and sensational sound-effects! R

29.46 MB

DISCLAIMER: game was designed primarily for tablets with 10 multitouches(which means your device recognizes 10 fingers on your screen at the same time

7.83 MB

고스톱, 맞고, 섯다와 함께 전세계적으로 사랑받는 화투 놀이! '민화투 plus'가 안드로이드에 출시되었습니다. 고급스러운 디자인과 여유로운 분위기 속에서 다양한 레벨의 상대와 민화투 대전을 즐길 수 있습니다. ※특징 1. 큰 금액으로 게임 진행 2, 다양한 레벨의 상

9.97 MB

热血三国古早味官网版是一款以正统三国为题材的策略卡牌类手机游戏, 延续系列作品的庞大世界观和特色玩法等,玩家们将率领你的三国军团开启指尖称霸三国征战之旅! 热血三国古早味SLG手游官网特色: 1、《热血三国》原班制造团队倾力打造策略对战手游; 2、最纯正的三国正统SLG对战,指尖畅享称霸三国快感;

47.16 MB

Be the ultimate star in this fun filled multiplayer running race! Compete against live players or your friends! Play as 4 famous YouTube personalities

32.37 MB

Learning math is easy and fun with Kindergarten Math: Fun Kids Games! Enjoy hours of educational games and videos designed to change the way your kind

53.53 MB

비슷비슷한 고스톱 게임들.. 이제 컴퓨터 돈 뺏기는 지겹지 않으신가요? 그런 분들에게,'도전! 미션 맞고'를 추천드립니다. 한단계 한단계씩다양한 고스톱 미션에 도전하는 새로운 재미! 지금껏 없었던 새로운 고스톱 게임에 푹 빠보세요! ★특징 - 다양하고 재미있는 미션을

11.78 MB

여러분, 일어나십쇼~~ 우리 모두 새마을맞고 치고~ 한푼~ 두푼~ 모아! 잘 먹고~ 잘 살아 봅시다!! "쓰리~고가 울렸네~~ 대박~판이 밝았네~~" "너도~나도 일어~나" 고스~톱을 쳐보~세" "재~미~좋~은 새마을~ 우~리~힘으로 만드세~ ※ 게임물관리위원회 등급분

11.61 MB

또로롱~♪ 또로롱~♬"이 소리는~ 맞고 mini를 플레이하며 즐거운 화음이 올라가는 소립니다." ☞끊임없이 점수를 올리고 7단 화음을 완성해보세요! ☞가장 단순하지만 가장 매력적인 고스톱 플레이를 경험해보세요!"맞고 mini는~ 가장 작고 단순한 무료 고스톱 게임을 모

8.58 MB

Horror in the Darkness is a short exploration and puzzle solving adventure game inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft, where players explore and inv

2.76 MB