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19179 APKの合計 ダウンロード 最新バージョン

Unroll Me 2 is the sequel to the #1 ranked game in over 50 countries and played by millions of people worldwide. The original rolling ball puzzle is b

38.82 MB

Join the army vs. army wars of SIEGE: TITAN WARS® that take place on an epic scale! Conquer players from around the world in live PVP battles. Collect

101.99 MB

梟雄亂世!奇兵詭陣!成就最終王者! 下載量超過3720000的策略史詩大作【武神關聖】,真的非常有趣哦~ 更多精彩活動請見遊戲內公告和粉絲團消息。機會有限,先玩先得哦! ===遊戲介紹=== 【武神關聖】齊集130多位歷史名將,超過1000種的陣法組合,搭配Q版清新畫風,完美呈現諸侯爭霸,亂世成王的

80.11 MB

****早くも300万ダウンロード突破!**** リリース記念イベント開催中! 「ことば」で闘う新感覚RPG! 文字の精霊「コトダマン」を組み合わせて 「ことば」をつくって攻撃しよう! できたことばの数や長さでダメージが変化! 【問題】---しょう〇っこう--- 「ゆ」「が」「し」「き」 キミはどの

70.67 MB

詩詞酷玩是壹款集合了多種玩法的文字解謎遊戲。題目設計參考了中華詩詞大會,但是又有創新和不同。 題目構思巧妙,上手容易,涉及四百余首名篇佳作,更有趣味闖關問答和歷史人物知識穿插其中。每天玩上10分鐘,認識壹首古詩詞,品味壹句經典。我們遊戲的初衷,只為激發您對古詩詞的興趣,對中華傳統文化的了解。小夥伴們

23.59 MB

■ 천하의 주인은 누가 될 것인가! 천하의 주인을 가리기 위한 새로운 전쟁이 시작되었다. 시즌2의 왕좌는 누가 가질 것인가! 천하통일을 이룩하고 왕좌를 차지하라! ★남만침입 업데이트★ 맹획, 축융, 대래동주, 금환삼결, 맹우등 남만의 무장들이 몰려온다. 남만의 용사들과

79.63 MB

Миллионери тоҷикӣ. v.3.0 Бозии интеллектуалӣ бо забони тоҷикӣ. Саволҳои мунтаҳабшуда, шавқовар ва пеш аз ҳама фоидовар аст. Вақти шуморо ва умри шумор

10.01 MB
Lands of War 1.0.106

Amazing war assault game now available on Android devices! Get ready for epic pvp assault battles, train whole army of gnomes, orcs, mages, elves and

75.58 MB

Hashi bridges is a ticklish puzzle game which definetly gives you some brainjogging. f(ಠ‿↼)z It is also known as "Build bridges!" or "Ai-Ki-Ai". This

29.62 MB

Test your skills in this new tower defense game! Defend your base against countless waves of enemies! Do you like strategy games where you need to pro

22.5 MB

MIÊU TẢ ROW: Thời buổi loạn lạc khó lòng tìm được minh chủ tài đức vẹn toàn hay tự mình làm minh chủ đi. Ở mùa 3 thời điểm quan trọng nhất trong các t

43.52 MB

Legend of Empire is a MMO war game, a perfect combination of tactic planning and strategic combat. In the medieval Elves continent, build your own pow

69.5 MB

Simulate, play and learn logic gates! Learn simple logic gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR! This game contains lots of levels, starting wit

21.25 MB
3D Fantasy Cubes

Welcome to the best adventure ever created! 3D Fantasy Cubes encourages our little explorers to learn about complex geometric shapes through interacti

64.37 MB
Tower 3D 1.02

You can at your own pace, playing slowly and there is no time limit.

24.48 MB

our master sudoku Bringing you the original & pure Sudoku gaming experience Features: • Give you the world’s most original sudoku gaming experience •

22.22 MB
Match'em 2.0.6

Memory test game, fun game to increase or train your memory. Test your prefrontal cortex now and see how far you go. This real life image matching gam

29.27 MB

Win your next chess tournament! Train with your personal chess improvement app, online and for free. Life is too short for screening chess puzzles aim

61.89 MB

نقدم لكم لعبة كلمات متقاطعة حديثة ومطورة كلمات متقاطعة وصور لمحبي العاب الكلمات المتقاطعة وصلة والعاب كلمة السر والالغاز و العاب الذكاء كلمات متقاطعة

24.87 MB

Infinite Block Puzzle takes a classic game to a whole new level. With 1,000 block puzzles to keep you entertained anytime and anywhere, you’ll never b

25.12 MB