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★★★★★ Featured by Google in Top New Free! HOW GOOD ARE YOU AT RECOGNIZING THINGS IN PICTURES? Scratch Pics 1 Word is the ultimate test of your ability

26.46 MB
Ruletras 1.3.3

Los creadores de Atriviate os presentan su último juego: Ruletras. Ruletras es el juego de la Ruleta de la fortuna adaptado a dispositivos móviles. Co

10.68 MB

Roda Fantasi: Hiburan Keluarga - Best Words Game in Bahasa Malaysia. Fun & Interesting like the TV Show. Putar, Teka Kata & Menang dengan Halim! Perma

44.82 MB

«Kick the word» is a game with words. Goal of the game is to find the word which is the odd one out and kick it. For example, 4 words: «Piranha», «Pen

23.5 MB

¡Niveles de 1300+! Uno de los mejores juegos de palabras gratis! Diversión y emoción de los clásicos juegos de palabras! Nuevo modo de juego y modos d

38.63 MB

Big Update v1.2 - Free Update Puzzles - Game level : 16 ~ 400 pieces - Your Photo make to puzzle - Customize Theme Enjoy Jigsaw Puzzle Master Thank yo

51.77 MB

Begin - began - begun... The app contains all important English irregular verbs (more than 200 verbs overall) and their conjugation. Please choose the

7.38 MB

This is the classic, known probably from school. You can choose from different categories and accordingly you will be given words to guess! Since the

23.82 MB

Guess the object from the zoomed in photo! Hundreds of levels for you to solve. Simple, fun and addictive gameplay. Play for free now!

55.54 MB

Spot the differences between these two pictures? If you can't, guess it. Classic Find the difference puzzles, known as 'Photohunt' game. The goal is t

36.42 MB

In this free game, you will find the beautiful pictures of more than 150 different culinary fruits and vegetables as well as spices, nuts, berries - e

23.25 MB

Search the words, that are hidden in all directions

4.46 MB

Gray Cells is a virtual stall of smart entertainments for thinking people. The stall offers free magazines with brainteasers: ☆ Crossword puzzles ☆ Su

24.22 MB

Este cunoscut faptul ca jocurile de tip cauta cuvinte iti dezvolti capacitatea creierului de analiza. Iti dezvolta atentia distributiva datorita incru

2.21 MB

Hangman is a totally addictive way to kill some time and build your vocabulary. ★ Hangman is based on the popular word guessing game. The player guess

18.9 MB

4 pics 1 word is a photo game where you have to find the similarity between 4 pictures and write the word with the letters that we give to you. Do you

29.33 MB

Obtén TODAS las soluciones del juego 4 Fotos 1 Palabra en pocos segundos. ¡VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL! Contiene las soluciones de los 1336 niveles del juego.

16.85 MB

東漢末年,群雄並起,逐鹿中原,三國鼎立。誰來結束亂世,英雄非你莫屬。 《九州三國志》是一款三國武將大亂鬥SLG策略遊戲,真實國戰戰場還原,模擬建城,給你帶來最正統的三國志遊戲玩法。天下已成三分之勢,加入魏蜀吳的任意勢力,一展三國宏圖霸業。憑藉一己之力,改變天下大勢。《九州三國志》作為一款正統經典SL

92.21 MB

Перед каждым выбором гласной игрок берет значение на колесе, на котором отмечены суммы в очках. Гласные платные и их стоимость 100 очков. Возможность

9.35 MB

Веселая и интересная игра для Вашего ребенка. Собирая пазлы с кадрами из лучших советских мультфильмов ребенок получает в качестве подарка песенку из

85.77 MB