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COOKING GAME ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE Practice your baking skills right here on your mobile device with Cooking Restaurant Kitchen 17. This awesome cooki

54.47 MB

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/12lords/ - Build up your heroes to be the strongest and lead them to victory! Train the best defenders to fend of

93.12 MB

史上最毀三觀無厘頭漫畫風手遊《養只精靈》來了! 官方嚴正聲明:笑破肚皮不負責喔! 一切都是因為在那個草長鶯飛的季節,魔王在與太白劉邦這對天界基佬鬥地主時結下了死仇,只剩一縷元神,魔王為了報復這對天界基佬,控制人間武將攻打天界,從此人神魔三界大亂,一場事關各界王者榮耀的亂鬥就此開啟……小編已腦洞不夠用

21.78 MB

『銀魂』の公式スマートフォンアプリが登場! アニメのストーリーを忠実に再現!更に、キャラクターはボイス付き!銀時、神楽、新八の3人はもちろん、真選組、攘夷志士などを育成し、ズッ魂バッ魂かぶき町を大暴れしよう! ◆アニメのストーリーを追体験◆ 笑あり涙ありのストーリーがよみがえる! クエストを進めてい

72.18 MB

Hannah is a 10-year-old girl who seems shy and a little bit nerdy. Deep down, she is not shy at all. She has two crazy dreams in her mind——to become a

56.46 MB

The first air and naval integrated simulator with Official Italian NAVY License. Take the controls of airplanes, helicopters and ships of the NAVY in

29.1 MB

◆ 게임 특징 ○ 자동 진행 RPG의 시작 ○ 캐릭터의 화려한 자동 전투 ◆ 권한 안내 원활한 게임 서비스 및 고객 응대를 위해 아래의 권한을 요청하고 있습니다. [ GET_ACCOUNTS ] 기기에서 계정검색 게임과 구글 계정정보 연동, 알림을 위해 해당 권한을 필요

91.21 MB

[["Attack of Jungle" ” – Augmented Reality(AR) with Character Development RPG ]] ▣ Augmented Reality (AR) Game ▣ Characters of the animation TV series

30.06 MB
엘몬스터 1.3.68

★레아 여신의 힘을 봉인한 18개 봉인석을 파괴해 레아대륙을 구원해주세요!! < 엘몬스터 !? > 인디게임의 장인 정신으로 3명이서 -> 캐쥬얼 RPG 를 만들었습니다 ! ● 모든 몬스터들은 각각 다른 개성 적인 말들을 적제적소에 다양하게 합니다. ● 모든 몬스터들의

82.84 MB

Lead soldiers to the ultimate fight for survival. Place your troops in the battlefield and confront the hordes of zombies. You can play already provid

48.58 MB

Spider Hand Simulator Hand Spider Simulator Do you want his phone hand and spider web of release? Pick up the phone in your hand and start to produce

74.6 MB

Among the car simulation games on the market is the most realistic car featuring physics. TR simulator is available to our game Turkey highway map, yo

95.68 MB

Everybody loves pizza! Open your very own pizza restaurant and dash to be a quick manager and delight every single hungry customer! Serve the tastiest

51.05 MB
HeroTracker 1.0.3

HeroTracker is a d20 PFRPG app for personal or party use. It contains source reference documention for all the core PFRPG spells (upgradable), allows

5.56 MB

Join Guardian Tales today and start on your new, epic journey!

37.93 MB

Build city by driving and using excavator crane and dumper truck on mountain roads with New City Construction Simulator 2018. Build city buildings on

38.78 MB

Challenge yourself with your car in the high speed monster cam and challenge the city from the metropolis. Cavan truck game is the best polystyrene ge

57.78 MB

포켓 시리즈의 새로운 방치형 RPG, 포켓에이지가 찾아왔다! 시대를 개혁하며 성장하는 다양한 영웅들, 나만의 조합을 구성해서 전략적인 전투를 벌여보세요! ▶ 유저가 직접 구성하는 4X4 영웅덱! ▶ 선술집을 돌아다니며 더 강력한 영웅을 고용하세요! ▶ 영웅 고유의 전용

52.99 MB

We need a mayor of our damaged city. Please make a good city. Opportunity to become a mayor of the world's best city with a simple touch! Will you be

25.08 MB

世界を救うため、戦え勇者!殴れ一兆回! ■ストーリー 2015年… かつて人類を脅かした魔王は大量の勇者の犠牲の上に討たれ、人々は平和を謳歌していた。 しかし、突如として現れた謎の男がモンスターを復活させ、世界は再び危機を迎えた。 闇の力で強化されたモンスターには勇者達の力も及ばない。 これには流石

62.59 MB